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SHA256 checksum (ta-for-digital-guardian_204.tgz) 14fecefdd31c2d740838bcb292ed1a5bdf1db3ea41fe24bb0f850030c84d1ae4 SHA256 checksum (ta-for-digital-guardian_203.tgz) 2514aa817dfcddf1598ce39269427d4656f4f68e32266cd2cae8e52b1c74de4e SHA256 checksum (ta-for-digital-guardian_130.tgz) 4e16420cee77b17eb1c67e7e599a95199b73640edbd1bbffaa3753ab72a112d5 SHA256 checksum (ta-for-digital-guardian_112.tgz) 92859b77e0edfb1c701e0b5fbc696cdc01cdeb5f87b4e3d3fab7878cb134eb40 SHA256 checksum (ta-for-digital-guardian_111.tgz) 9e78ba853b14e3e2f90f3b2b92fcc769d33603bc68c479de6b2f931ee67efffb
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TA for Digital Guardian

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This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
Digital Guardian offers security’s most technologically advanced endpoint agent. Only Digital Guardian ends data theft by protecting sensitive data from skilled insiders and persistent outside attackers.

The Digital Guardian App for Splunk Enterprise lets customers understand risks to sensitive data across the enterprise from insider and outsider threats and respond appropriately. Users can improve incident response and investigation times by leveraging Splunk’s enterprise search capabilities across Digital Guardian event and alert data. This app contains the Add-on which brings Digital Guardian events and alerts into Splunk Enterprise. The Add-on is designed for Digital Guardian 7.0.0 and above. For use with previous versions please contact Digital Guardian.

Table of Contents


  • About the TA for Digital Guardian
  • Release notes
  • Support and resources


  • Hardware and software requirements
  • Installation steps
  • Deploy to single server instance
  • Deploy to distributed deployment
  • Deploy to distributed deployment with Search Head Pooling
  • Deploy to distributed deployment with Search Head Clustering
  • Deploy to Splunk Cloud
  • Configure TA for Digital Guardian


  • Data types
  • Lookups


About the TA for Digital Guardian

  • Author: Digital Guardian
  • App Version: 1.1.2
  • Vendor Products: Digital Guardian 6.2.2 and above
  • Has index-time operations: true, this add-on must be placed on indexers
  • Create an index: true, impacts disk storage
  • Implements summarization: false

The Digital Guardian App for Splunk Enterprise lets customers understand risks to sensitive data across the enterprise from insider and outsider threats and respond appropriately. Users can improve incident response and investigation times by leveraging Splunk’s enterprise search capabilities across Digital Guardian event and alert data. The App works with this Add-on which brings Digital Guardian events and alerts into Splunk Enterprise. This Add-on is designed for Digital Guardian 6.2.2 and above. For use with previous versions please contact Digital Guardian.

Scripts and binaries


Release notes

About this release

Version 1.1.2 of the TA for Digital Guardian is compatible with:

  • Splunk Enterprise versions: 6.2, 6.1
  • CIM: 4.1, 4.0, 3.0
  • Platforms: Platform independent
  • Vendor Products: Digital Guardian 6.2.2 and above
  • Lookup file changes: Added severity_lookup
New features

TA for Digital Guardian includes the following new features:

  • Update Documentation
Fixed issues

Version 1.1.2 of the TA for Digital Guardian fixes the following issues:
- Fixed Bug in props.conf

Version 1.1.1 of the TA for Digital Guardian fixes the following issues:
- Updated EventGen Samples
- Updated Documentation
- Removed hidden files

Version 1.1 of the TA for Digital Guardian fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed CIM Compliance
Support and resources

Questions and Answers
Access questions and answers about the TA for Digital Guardian at http://answers.splunk.com/answers/app/1878


Support URL: https://digitalguardian.force.com/support/login
How to get support: via above support portal URL. Login is required for Digital Guardian customers; customers who do not have a support login may apply for one at support@digitalguardian.com
Support hours: 24/7
Observed holidays: Closed on major US holidays.
Response: all cases submitted will be confirmed via email; response time based on severity
Cases are tracked in the salesforce.com system


Hardware and software requirements

Hardware requirements

TA for Digital Guardian supports the following server platforms in the versions supported by Splunk Enterprise:

  • Linux
  • Windows
  • Solaris

Software requirements

To function properly, TA for Digital Guardian requires the following software:

  • Digital Guardian 6.2.2 and above

Splunk Enterprise system requirements

Because this add-on runs on Splunk Enterprise, all of the Splunk Enterprise system requirements apply.


Download the TA for Digital Guardian at https://apps.splunk.com/app/1878/.

Installation steps

To install and configure this app on your supported platform, follow these steps:

  1. Download and Deploy the add-on to either a single Splunk Enterprise server or a distributed deployment.
  2. Configure your Digital Guardian server to export data to your single instance or your forwarder.
  3. Configure your inputs to get your Digital Guardian data into Splunk Enterprise.
Deploy to single server instance

Follow these steps to install the app in a single server instance of Splunk Enterprise:

  1. Download from Splunk Apps.
  2. In Splunk Web, click Apps > Manage Apps.
  3. Click Install app from file.
  4. Locate the downloaded file and click Upload.
  5. Verify that the add-on appears in the list of apps and add-ons. You can also find it on the server at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian.
  6. Copy $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian/default/inputs.conf to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian/local
  7. Edit inputs.conf to match your log locations.
  8. Restart Splunk
Deploy to distributed deployment

Install to search head

  1. Download from Splunk Apps.
  2. In Splunk Web, click Apps > Manage Apps.
  3. Click Install app from file.
  4. Locate the downloaded file and click Upload.
  5. Verify that the add-on appears in the list of apps and add-ons. You can also find it on the server at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian.

Install to indexers

  1. Download from Splunk Apps.
  2. In Splunk Web, click Apps > Manage Apps.
  3. Click Install app from file.
  4. Locate the downloaded file and click Upload.
  5. Verify that the add-on appears in the list of apps and add-ons. You can also find it on the server at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian.

Install to forwarders

  1. Upload the TA-digitalguardian folder to the forwarder and put into the $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps directory.
  2. Copy $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian/default/inputs.conf to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-digitalguardian/local
  3. Edit inputs.conf to match your log locations.
  4. Restart Splunk

Configure TA for Digital Guardian

Configuration Steps are in Installation Instructions.


Digital Guardian offers security’s most technologically advanced endpoint agent. Only Digital Guardian ends data theft by protecting sensitive data from skilled insiders and persistent outside attackers.

The Digital Guardian App for Splunk Enterprise lets customers understand risks to sensitive data across the enterprise from insider and outsider threats and respond appropriately. Users can improve incident response and investigation times by leveraging Splunk’s enterprise search capabilities across Digital Guardian event and alert data. The App includes an Add-on which brings Digital Guardian events and alerts into Splunk Enterprise. The Add-on is designed for Digital Guardian 6.2.2 and above. For use with previous versions please contact Digital Guardian.

The Digital Guardian App for Splunk Enterprise includes seven dashboards that visualize Digital Guardian events and alerts with advanced abilities to drill down and filter data to pinpoint threats, investigate and respond. Dashboards include:

  • Data Classification: Show that sensitive data is effectively identified and classified
  • Alerts: Monitor policy violations, validate appropriate controls are in place and provide input into incident response process
  • Events: Monitor data leaving the enterprise by channel - Email, Print, Removable Devices and Network Uploads. Understand channel usage to establish risk level.
  • Process: Monitor process (application) access to data and identify anomalies
  • Data Egress: Monitor data movement to understand how and where data is put at risk to improve classification and controls
  • Advanced Threat Detection: Monitor malware alerts resulting from behavioral detection rules in Digital Guardian’s advanced threat module
  • Operations: Monitor operations of the Digital Guardian IT infrastructure

These data types support the following Common Information Model data models:

  • Alerts


The TA for Digital Guardian contains 1 lookup file.


Translates Severity Code to Human Readable Name.

  • File location: TA-digitalguardian/lookups/severity_lookup.csv
  • Lookup fields: key,value
  • Lookup contents:

Release Notes

Version 2.0.4
March 12, 2018
Version 2.0.3
Feb. 9, 2018

2.0.3 - 2/8/2018
* Updated file permissions

Version 1.3.0
June 4, 2015

Version 1.3.0 TA for Digital Guardian includes the following new features:
- Moved Lookup Tables from App to TA (computer_type_lookup, dg_protocol_lookup, drive_type_lookup, email_recepient_type_lookup, file_encryption_lookup, network_direction_lookup, operations_lookup, rule_action_type_lookup, scanvalue_lookup)
- Added Custom Event functionality for Alerts
- Update Version Number to match digitalguardian_web

Version 1.1.2
March 27, 2015

Version 1.1.2 of the TA for Digital Guardian fixes the following issues:
- Fixed Bug in props.conf

Version 1.1.1
March 16, 2015

Version 1.1.1 of the TA for Digital Guardian fixes the following issues:
- Updated EventGen Samples
- Updated Documentation
- Removed hidden files

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