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Downloading Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows
SHA256 checksum (splunk-add-on-for-microsoft-windows_890.tgz) a34d00f210c9319ed5c1e5b43a3380edf1ac58dba34ad0c4c446b6fb8598961e SHA256 checksum (splunk-add-on-for-microsoft-windows_880.tgz) 016c535c34d4f21ec9083c75b87ff125c8243cc2888bd030a3e047180cbc8e61 SHA256 checksum (splunk-add-on-for-microsoft-windows_800.tgz) bc214696ea911a264f43b577c3aab41fe0c196d19249426fe6e7c1b505ecaef2
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Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows

Splunk Cloud
Splunk Built
*** Important: Read upgrade instructions and test add-on update before deploying to production ***
The Splunk Add-on for Windows 5.0.0 introduced breaking changes. If you are upgrading from a version of the Splunk Add-on for Windows that is earlier than 5.0.0, you must follow the documented upgrade instructions to avoid data loss. A best practice is to test the upgraded version in a non-production environment before deploying to production.

Neither the Splunk Add-on for Windows DNS version 1.0.1 nor the Splunk Add-on for Windows Active Directory version 1.0.0 is supported when installed alongside the Splunk Add-on for Windows version 6.0.0. The Splunk Add-on for Windows version 6.0.0 includes the Splunk Add-on for Windows DNS and the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Active Directory.

The Splunk for Microsoft Windows add-on includes predefined inputs to collect data from Windows systems and maps to normalize the data to the Common Information Model.

To learn about the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Windows, see the official documentation here on docs.splunk.com.

For information on what has been fixed as well as known issues, see the release notes.

Release Notes

Version 8.9.0
July 15, 2024
Version 8.8.0
Aug. 3, 2023
Version 8.0.0
March 30, 2020

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