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Downloading ICMP Modular Input
SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_101.tgz) 17e83c46c211a54e7465187e00cd59cfb1d29db185d7c92ed781ac26a1094b57 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_026.tgz) 311788c180ccaeea823641af249446780ab36a34dca57b9c4c1e1f68f9d5dca3 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_025.tgz) df6d1115b73e7cf795ee12a6efd51124a1650da226170a242880e052f3f71f98 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_023.tgz) be84c73b7fc485a33d39ae5561351dc10fcfbb9d0f8355cddc764d21b36472e9 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_022.tgz) 2383c4d51a40362b8a877e413dd241ed82eae4ef08386305759c483e2cfb8869 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_020.tgz) 09419424d8c7bdf10a7493138b2423d04ed388e25a9fb3bdde29d745b210d9d2 SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_011.tgz) 037a6b92b63d3f886defb0ea471a3a895d3ee6a14884db400074ca3fcf9d2c2a SHA256 checksum (icmp-modular-input_001.tgz) 336bb87e2677d9a0e117fa577fd1a086e0b0df6244bed4d8b4b3c8fc4b05d406
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ICMP Modular Input

Splunk Cloud
A high performance modular input that sends ICMP packets using icmplib, and stores highly efficent results.

A high performance ICMP input that uses icmplib. Designed for high volume concurrent testing, and utilizes a CSV file for targets. Data written with minimal raw size (license usage), and utilizes indexed extractions for maximum performance with tstats.

OS configuration may be required to run without root, see https://github.com/ValentinBELYN/icmplib/blob/main/docs/6-use-icmplib-without-privileges.md

This modular input is NOT Splunk Cloud compatible. You should only install this app on your Splunk Cloud Search Heads for the knowledge objects.

Use the sourcetype icmp:metric for metric indexes.

Helpful Tips:
When packets_sent=0 there was an issue preventing the ICMP being sent. Check the source field and _internal logs
When packets_received=0 the target is down

Release Notes

Version 1.0.1
Sept. 12, 2024
Version 0.2.6
April 26, 2023

Updated Splunklib

Version 0.2.5
March 22, 2022

Small improvments

Version 0.2.3
Jan. 24, 2022

Fix bug where DNS failures caused entire input to fail. Results are now written as tests are completed.

Version 0.2.2
Dec. 17, 2021

Fixed Metric sourcetype and added custom output format.

Version 0.2.0
Dec. 14, 2021

Improved data format

Version 0.1.1
Dec. 14, 2021

Fixed bug with IPv6 by removing traffic class options.

Version 0.0.1
Dec. 13, 2021

Initial Public Release

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