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SHA256 checksum (slack-app-alert-integration_104.tgz) 3f2b7f2e965dbcde43043932de4156338ed2a74c505bf5b33ffe5b5b2c5e4740 SHA256 checksum (slack-app-alert-integration_103.tgz) a9a3f18c96a3eb012f0b74371f5ec481268618868cca6cdd4129f20a62d5a045 SHA256 checksum (slack-app-alert-integration_102.tgz) 810f92cd4fc7e0c0841d8e5041d086b2435e77f54d25ab0c357c0591e76883cb
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Slack App Alert Integration

This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
The Slack App Alert Integration TA is meant to integrate with Slack Apps, the new way of communicating with Slack in favor of the deprecated Incoming Webhooks integration. The Incoming Webhooks integration allows sending messages to multiple channels which is highly flexible. A Slack App has to join a channel before it can post messages in it, but using the correct configuration in combination with this TA, a Slack App can join a channel if needed and post messages to it with customized bot name and emoji icon.

Slack App Alert Integration


The Slack App Alert Integration TA is meant to integrate with Slack Apps, the new way
of communicating with Slack in favor of the deprecated Incoming Webhooks integration.
The Incoming Webhooks integration allows sending messages to multiple channels which
is highly flexible. A Slack App has to join a channel before it can post messages in it,
but using the correct configuration in combination with this TA, a Slack App can join a
channel if needed and post messages to it with customized bot name and emoji icon.


An installed Slack App in your Slack Workspace:

  • Create an App and give it a name, for instance Splunk. The app needs a channel to post to, but this is irrelevant for integrating
    with the TA, so choose any channel you like.
  • Copy the generated Bot User OAuth Token:

  • Configure the scopes for OAuth & Permissions. Grant the following scopes: channels:join,
    channels:read, chat:write, chat:write.customize, groups:read, im:read, incoming-webhook, mpim:read

  • Install the App (if you're not the workspace owner, you probably have to request an install first).


Install this TA on your Splunk Search Heads. If you're running a Search Head Cluster, you might
need to add the following line to your server.conf under the [shclustering] stanza on your
Search Heads and restart Splunk:

conf_replication_include.ta_slack_app_alert_integration_settings = true

If you don't do this, it's possible that the secret for the token does not get replicated across your Search Head cluster, and the alert will only work on one Search Head.


After installation of the TA, navigate to the Slack App Alert Integration app in Splunk, and under Add-on Settings, paste the Bot User OAuth token in the Token field. The Base URL can be left as default, provided that your Search Heads have access to it. There is no proxy configuration yet in this version of the TA. Click Save.

When the TA is configured, you can create an alert using the new Slack App Alert Integration alert action, by configuring its fields:

  • Channel: the name of the channel to post messages to (without leading #)
  • Emoji: optional icon to use (like :exclamation: or :alien:)
  • Bot username: the name that will be used by the Slack App to post the messages with.
  • Message: the content to post
  • Auto-join channel: Either True (default) or False. If true, the App will be automatically added to the channel (only if needed).

Release Notes

Version 1.0.4
July 6, 2023

Update addon builder version

Version 1.0.3
Feb. 23, 2022

Updated for Python3 and Splunk Cloud compatibility.

Version 1.0.2
Sept. 9, 2021

Changed Message text input to textarea.

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