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SHA256 checksum (soc-prime-ccm-app-for-splunk_200.tgz) d59acbccfd2c98baecbbe09822d3bc25832b43c4a566c84337ee26dd66cadfdf SHA256 checksum (soc-prime-ccm-app-for-splunk_103.tgz) 4fa0524580c4a622dce23ca127750fc97d540811807015af6780bb2a462ca68e SHA256 checksum (soc-prime-ccm-app-for-splunk_101.tgz) aa3dea43d8f21d2b4524493c19264f1a4e196b33a1abe3090c220c968da5d96f SHA256 checksum (soc-prime-ccm-app-for-splunk_100.tgz) 4810415d0343c78c04b226944213a56f894deaa6b8feb33f7276d44a24d5a741
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SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk

This app has been archived. Learn more about app archiving.
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
With SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk, you can continuously stream new rules and rule updates from the SOC Prime Platform to your cloud or on-prem Splunk instance.

This listing includes the deprecated versions of the App up to v2.0.0. Later versions can be found here: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/6752.

To enable rule streaming, configure Jobs in the Continuous Content Management (CCM) module of the SOC Prime Platform and specify them in the App's data input. Jobs are configured with Content Lists to select rules for deployment, Presets to automatically modify the rules' parameters, and Filters to include additional conditions. You can also set up and apply Custom Field Mapping profiles to make the names of indexes, fields, and even field values in the rule code match your custom data schema.

To obtain rules via the CCM module and stream them into your environment, you need access to the SOC Prime CCM API. For more details on the API, see our Platform Guides: https://help.socprime.com/en/articles/6265791-api (to open the Guides, you need to be logged in to your SOC Prime Platform account).

SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk


With SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk, you can continuously stream new rules and rule updates from the SOC Prime Platform to your cloud or on-prem Splunk instance.

This listing includes the deprecated versions of the App up to v2.0.0. Later versions can be found here: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/6752.

To enable rule streaming, configure Jobs in the Continuous Content Management (CCM) module of the SOC Prime Platform and specify them in the App's data input. Jobs are configured with Content Lists to select rules for deployment, Presets to automatically modify the rules' parameters, and Filters to include additional conditions. You can also set up and apply Custom Field Mapping profiles to make the names of indexes, fields, and even field values in the rule code match your custom data schema.

To obtain rules via the CCM module and stream them into your environment, you need access to the SOC Prime CCM API. For more details on the API, see our Platform Guides (to open the Guides, you need to be logged in to your SOC Prime Platform account).

App Version

This is SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk v2.0.0 or earlier (deprecated). You can find later versions of the App here.


SIEM: Splunk v. 8.x or higher, or Splunk Cloud.
Note: In distributed Splunk environments, this app should be installed in the search head.


There are two ways of installing the app: via the Splunk app listing or manually with the add-on package.

To install the app via the listing, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Splunk Web Console.
  2. Select the gear icon on the Apps tab.
  3. Click the Browse more apps button.
  4. Type "SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk" in the search field to find the app and proceed to its installation in your environment.

To install the add-on manually, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Splunk Web Console.
  2. In the Splunk Web Console, select the Apps tab.
  3. Click the Install app from file button.
  4. Select the "SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk" package and proceed to its installation in your environment.

After successful installation, the app should appear as SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk in Splunk’s Apps menu.


After installation, configure the rule import with the Data Inputs menu:

  1. Select Settings > Data Inputs.
  2. In the list of inputs, find SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk and click Add new.
  3. Fill in all the required and optional parameters.

Release Notes

Version 2.0.0
July 25, 2022
  • 2.0.0 — We've introduced several substantial improvements:
    • Streamlined the configuration of content to be deployed by introducing Jobs that replace all the separate settings used before. Now, you set up Jobs in SOC Prime Patform's CCM (adding Content Lists, Field Mappings, Presets, and Configs), and specify the Jobs in the App's data input.
    • Removed deprecated options (Content List Name, Mapping Name, Preset Name, Alt Translation Config) from data input parameters.
    • Added data input parameters to configure Jobs as well as rule exceptions, proxy, and distributed deployment.
Version 1.0.3
July 25, 2022
  • 1.0.3 — We've made several updates:
    • Fixed filters in dashboards
    • Resolved the issue with rule names that could lead to rule duplication
    • Fixed and optimized the API script
Version 1.0.1
Sept. 1, 2021
  • 1.0.1 — General minor improvements.
Version 1.0.0
Aug. 31, 2021
  • 1.0.0 — Initial release of the SOC Prime CCM App for Splunk providing functionality to import Alerts from the SOC Prime TDM Platform.

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