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Downloading User Monitoring for Splunk
SHA256 checksum (user-monitoring-for-splunk_120.tgz) d0d0144755acc483182f1dc146afe5eecdb5fed9df8f98c32c18578188f8817f SHA256 checksum (user-monitoring-for-splunk_110.tgz) bbc89f981f2cf644919bbcc7526020903f354f8801df046f7e5d020a9d82b7de SHA256 checksum (user-monitoring-for-splunk_100.tgz) 505b18f2a6424c697bad71cc4599f5681890a89033d6fd3bad3d02b0c0b26602
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User Monitoring for Splunk

This app has been archived. Learn more about app archiving.
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
This app will help the Splunk Admins to monitor the Splunk Users in their Splunk infrastructure. And this app will solely work on _internal and _audit logs of the search heads.

User Activity Monitor - The landing page of the app gives you the numbers about the user's logins, dashboard, searches accessed by the users.
User Activity Statistics - This page will give the breakdown of all the details per user.
User Activities - This page will be able to allow the Admins to select the user and see their activities.

For Suggestion/Improvement, please write it to me through Developer Contact.

* Note - This app is not created by Splunk

User Monitoring for Splunk

This app will help the Splunk Admins to monitor the Users in their Splunk infrastructure.

Steps to install the app

  1. Download the app from Splunkbase.
  2. Log in to Splunk Web and navigate to Apps->Manage Apps.
  3. Click the install app from the file button.
  4. Click upload.
  5. No need to restart the Splunk instance (Better works if restarted)

How does it work?

This app is solely working based on the _internal and _audit logs. The member who wants
to use this app should have access to the respective data.


Go to Splunkbase, search this app, and contact the developer.


| Version | Changes |
| 1.0.0 | Initial release |
| 1.1.0 | Patch version based on jquery3.5 updates |
| 1.2.0 | Minor changes to Splunk Compatablity Check |

Release Notes

Version 1.2.0
March 1, 2022

Minor changes to Splunk Cloud Compatibility.

Version 1.1.0
July 28, 2021

Patch version based on the jquery3.5 updates

Version 1.0.0
March 31, 2021

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