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Downloading Splunk App for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
SHA256 checksum (splunk-app-for-oracle-cloud-infrastructure-oci_213.tgz) 3ff372cf0f3dc34b17ce7abfe95c3e51cd436458a1c30452b77356eafe1f8d7a SHA256 checksum (splunk-app-for-oracle-cloud-infrastructure-oci_201.tgz) 75562e88533156c8240a184221ba4780528b9a556bcf05e077b8064a162cbc7f SHA256 checksum (splunk-app-for-oracle-cloud-infrastructure-oci_108.tgz) a048906bd9c1ae6f4a1feacbb997f7f352861de7a8e679e60ebbe8330ddf5bc2
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Splunk App for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Splunk Cloud
Splunk Labs
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
A compilation of dashboards to visualize data coming for Splunk and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) log streaming service. Dashboards include VCN flow logs, audit logs, Cloud Guard logs, object storage access logs, function logs, load balancer access logs and load balancer error logs creating a comprehensive integration of your OCI Infrastructure using Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud.

Download the latest Addon from Splunkbase:
-For Splunk Cloud users with the Heavy Forwarder installed in Oracle Cloud: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/7021
-For on-prem: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/5222

While this app is not formally supported, the developer can be reached at vrichards@splunk.com OR in splunk-usergroups slack, @VivianRichards. Responses are made on a best effort basis. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

Special acknowledgement to Ahmed Kira, the original developer of this application!


  1. Ensure your OCI configuration file is complete and the necessary keys have been generated
    Ensure the OCI Logging Addon for Splunk is installed on heavy forwarder, connected, and receiving logs from OCI. Download the latest OCI TA/plugin here: https://github.com/oracle-quickstart/oci-arch-logging-splunk

  2. Create 2 new indexes on indexers.
    First index is where your OCI logs will reside.
    Second index MUST BE named oci_vcn_summary. This is a summary index for VCN Flow Logs.
    All VCN dashboards rely on this summary index.
    Use below sample to deploy on cluster master and do cluster bundle push:

  3. [oci_vcn_summary]
    homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/oci_vcn_summary/db
    coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/oci_vcn_summary/colddb
    thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/oci_vcn_summary/thaweddb
    coldToFrozenDir = $SPLUNK_DB/oci_vcn_summary/frozendb
    ##### 30 days
    frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 2592000
    maxHotIdleSecs = 3600
    repFactor = auto

  4. Deploy OCI app on Search Head or deployer and push out to SHC
  5. Deploy OCI log streaming add-on on a Splunk 8.0+ Heavy Forwarder, since it relies on Python 3.x
  6. Add inputs through the add-on user interface (on heavy forwarder)
  7. On search head with this app deployed, edit macros, Update the 'oci_index` macro with the 1st index created above
  8. Once OCI log streaming data is flowing to your Splunk instance, run the save searched ending with 'RUN ONCE' to initially populate necessary lookups
  9. Watch dashboards get populated


oci_index : update with index where your OCI logs are sent
oci_trim : this macro renames multiple nested json trees and creates new fields that all dashboards rely on. Use within your search as such:


VALID: `oci_index` sourcetype=com.oraclecloud.object* `oci_trim`
VALID: `oci_index` `oci_trim` | search type=object*
VALID: `oci_index` `oci_trim`


INVALID: `oci_index` `oci_trim` sourcetype=com.oraclecloud.object*

Notes on saved searches provided in this app:

This app contained 3 backfill searches. USE THESE SEARCHES WITH CAUTION!!!
1. Only backfill times you know are missing
2. Consider wiping out the entire oci_vcn_summary index and backfill with earliest=1 to be safe and so you don't have duplicate data

Release Notes

Version 2.1.3
Dec. 4, 2023

Update for Splunk Cloud compatibility

Version 2.0.1
Dec. 14, 2021

Version 2.0.1 is for use if Oracle Support has provided you a copy of their current version of the technical add-on.

If you have not received a new version from Oracle Support, please continue to use the previous release (1.0.8)

Please follow the instructions in the Details tab.

Feel free to contact the developer for any questions, concerns, and feature requests.

Version 1.0.8
May 14, 2021

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