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PAVO Intrusion App For Splunk

Splunk Cloud
Intrusion Defense and Prevention systems operate as the first line of defense to defend against attackers. This app provides analytics on attacks against your networks and systems.

PAVO Intrusion App for Splunk Documentation

Dashboards and reports on intrusion Detection and Prevention events in Splunk.

About PAVO Intrusion App for Splunk

Author Aplura, LLC
App Version 1.1.5
App Build 21
Creates an index False
Implements summarization No
Summary Indexing False
Data Model Acceleration If Enabled
Report Acceleration False
Splunk Enterprise versions 9.2, 9.1, 9.0
Platforms Splunk Enterprise, Splunk Cloud

Scripts and binaries

This App provides the following scripts:

  • app_properties.py

  • For use with the python integrations, if applicable.

  • Diag.py

  • IF included, is used to help generate the diag files for support.

  • version.py

  • For use with keeping track of the version number within Python scripts.


Many organizations is IDS/IPS devices and software as their first line of defense against attackers. This app provides Splunk dashboards, forms, and reports which can be used to explore your IDS events across your different sourcetypes.

To do this, the app relies on the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM) for IDS attack events. This means that the app can report on any intrusion data, as long as it has been on-boarded properly, and is available through thehttp://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/CIM/latest/User/IntrusionDetection[Intrusion Detection data model], including network, host, wireless, and application products.

A note on Splunk Data Model Acceleration and Disk Space

This app requires data model acceleration, which will use additional disk space. If you are using the Splunk App for Enterprise Security, this is already enabled, and should have been factored into your retention policies. If not, you should review the documentation on data model acceleration, how it uses disk space, and how to plan for it.

A note on the Splunk Common Information Model

As mentioned above, the app uses the CIM for intrusion events. The CIM allows you to take events from a number of sources or products, and report on them in one cohesive manner, using a common set of names for fields and event types.

Available Dashboards

Intrusion Overview

Provides a starting point for exploring your IDS events. Most panels will drill-down to other pages in the application.

Attack Source Profile

A view based on the source of IDS events.

Attack Destination Profile

IDS events where attacks are launched against the same destination.

Attack Signature Profile

Panels which focus on events which all are from the same identified with the same signature.

Attack Category Profile

A view focusing on attacks which fall into the same category (as defined in the events).

Attack Search

A form for finding events based on various field values.


Information about the sourcetypes which are present in the accelerated data.


A simple HTML version of this document.


PAVO Intrusion App for Splunk contains the following lookup files.

  • None

Event Generator

PAVO Intrusion App for Splunk does not include an event generator.


  • Summary Indexing: No

  • Data Model Acceleration: If Enabled

  • Report Acceleration: No

Release Notes

Version 1.1.5
April 2, 2024
  • Fixes Dashboard JavaScript Error
Version 1.1.4
Sept. 13, 2021
  • Various Bug Fixes
  • v1.1. Dashboards
Version 1.1.3
Feb. 19, 2020

Update dashboard titles

Version 1.1.2
Oct. 18, 2019

Documentation and rename

Version 1.1.1
Oct. 14, 2019

Initial Release

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