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Downloading Flow Map Viz
SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_1415.tgz) 652edc275a84ff96fa0772a6b60ba9b3297b6473312082df23c81ee09746eef6 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_1414.tgz) bfb08f3a18d720bd18b0d38667ab7442dc51df78dad3550725f21853f5bdb819 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_1413.tgz) f50b9625e18e73912046a478ec89535463e35b5b6b285fb98fed209eb11d21b9 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_1411.tgz) 4618c3665ff641ce1c9ee04e09f1d6c0734da60d387962d8e025b16696bcee88 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_1410.tgz) 23adb73008665cc811ccf4168f7a2af10c45e1dd54cf79782869eb30cd0b2f11 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_149.tgz) 9884fc9edf58fafb45e5ff6ce0fc51a304cf4bd469b02ce5647f30efaf4fba42 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_145.tgz) f5f0146da6d71cf841e1827d4f6723d8cd489a698241ffdff7e3228f7f45b55d SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_143.tgz) 5944d436808d9215c96c148068582d051890a50c316804948590de792a6ec639 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_142.tgz) e5a90c91699fb3f4037fdb3e7cc4db40cfd3e9041f7469b0a5cab2e39f58a052 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_141.tgz) fd025f209d12a8b61312f2ff18e33c77421bea828c87599780c9c2996f971f5d SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_131.tgz) 80cd7f087cbdd86715c66415e096f6ffc8c7e6d02e441692811bef3342c571d7 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_130.tgz) fd65bcab92f62c8f887f390d2d2d00f6de93a1d259c0376b38fcd725e7eba701 SHA256 checksum (flow-map-viz_120.tgz) 8839b8f256e0fab3c3081c7aad53ed84315051d1d9d80917fa9fe42002ac1634
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Flow Map Viz

Splunk Cloud
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
A visualization used to show the volume of traffic across links. By default, this addon will normalise the traffic flows so the proportion of traffic can be shown, however this can be disabled. Optionally show marching ants lines to indicate direction. Optionally allows embedded HTML which enables endless customisation. AKA force-directed or network graph.

Inspired by Vizceral from Netflix, Thanks!

A visualization used for showing the proportion of traffic volume across different links. Inspired by Vizceral by NetFlix. Most often the particles represent an automatically scaled multiple of real traffic volume.

Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Younger. I am a Splunk Professional Services consultant working for JDS Australia, in Brisbane Australia.

Source code | Questions, Bugs or Suggestions | My Splunk apps

Getting started

This app is not "visible" in the Splunk UI app menu. After installing the app, follow this process:
1. Do a search of any data and switch to the visualisation tab
2. In the top left, in the visualisastion menu, select "Flow Map viz"
3. Open the "Format" menu then select "Help"
4. There will be a link to the in-app documentation, which includes working examples


This visualisation expects tabular data, with specific field names. There are two kinds of row data that should be supplied: links and nodes. The link data is identified by having both a from and to field, or a path field. The path field is delimited by three hyphens "---" and can include hops through multiple nodes. The node data will have a node field.

Example 1, simple links using from / to fields

from to good
users loadbalancer 3000
loadbalancer webserver1 1000
loadbalancer webserver2 1500
loadbalancer webserver3 500

Note that nodes are automatically created.

Example 2, same output using path field

path good
users---loadbalancer---webserver1 1000
users---loadbalancer---webserver2 1500
users---loadbalancer---webserver3 500

Shared links will have the fields "good", "warn" and "error" automatically summed together

Example 3, customise output by adding "node" rows.

For the users and loadbalancer rows, a custom label is set, along with a font-awesome icon and the label is moved underneath.

path good node label icon height labely
users---loadbalancer---webserver1 1000
users---loadbalancer---webserver2 1500
users---loadbalancer---webserver3 500
users---loadbalancer---webserver3 500
users Users user 40 30
loadbalancer LoadBalancer hdd 40 30

Its an unsual concept to have a single search that produces two different sets of data, however this can be easily performed using append.

For example you can define all nodes and links in a lookup table and append it after all your search data like so:

existing search | append [ |inputlookup my_table_of_nodes_and_links.csv ]

How to manually set positions

Double click a node disable its manual positioning.

Data domain

By default, the amount of particles shown is automatically ranged/scaled (using linear interpolation) based on the data supplied. The visualization finds the link that has the largest volume of (good + warn + error) and uses that as the upper bound. The formatter option "Particles" > "Data domain", allows manually defining the range that the data is expected to fall into. The value can be set either as a single value representing the maximum (min will default to 0) or a comma seperated pair of numbers (min,max).

Tokens and Drilldowns

Tokens will be set when clicking on nodes or link labels. Hit "F12" to open browser developer tools, then open the "Console" to observe how tokens are being set.

Nodes: $flow_map_viz-label$, $flow_map_viz-node$, $flow_map_viz-drilldown$, $flow_map_viz-type$
Links: $flow_map_viz-label$, $flow_map_viz-link$, $flow_map_viz-from$, $flow_map_viz-to$, $flow_map_viz-type$

Link labels can be used for drilldowns to other Splunk dashboards etc. However that as nodes can be dragged to reposition, these can't be used for drilldowns.
A work-around for drilldown on nodes, enable the "Advanced" > "HTML Labels" formatter option, and then set the "label" data field to include a html "a" tag to link to your required destination. E.g.

existing_query | eval label = "<a href='search?q=" + drilldown + "' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:none;'>" + node_label + "</a>"

Building a complex flow map using a lookup

Attemping to set the various node and link options can lead to a messy SPL query. A neat way to solve this is to build a lookup table of all the nodes and links, and then |append it to the end of your real data. If the same link pair exists in multiple rows, then the "good", "warn" and "error" fields will be summed. For other link customisations such as "speed" and "width" the last set property will take effect.

existing query | append [|inputlookup my_flowmap_config.csv]

Here is an search that will generate a template CSV file called "my_flowmap_config.csv":

| makeresults count=10
| fillnull value="" node from to height radius opacity position icon good warn error color width distance speed labelx labely fromside toside tooltip label
| table node from to height width radius opacity position icon good warn error color distance speed label labelx labely fromside toside tooltip
| outputlookup my_flowmap_config.csv

Field reference

link fields:

Field Type Description
from String An ID of node to use as the source of the link.
to String An ID of node to use as the target of the link.
path String A series of nodes to link together, seperated by three hypens "---". Should not be specified for the same row that has from/to fields or it will be ignored.
good Number A value representing the volume of good traffic, which will be normalised (by default) and displayed as particles (the "good" color can be set in the formatting options and defaults to dark green).
warn Number A value representing the volume of warning traffic, which will be normalised (by default) and displayed as particles (the "warn" color can be set in the formatting options and defaults to orange).
error Number A value representing the volume of error traffic, which will be normalised (by default) and displayed as particles (the "error" color can be set in the formatting options and defaults to red).
color HTML color code Set the color of the line
width Number Set the width of the line
distance Number Set the length of the line. This field is redundant if you are manually positioning nodes.
speed String The speed of the particles. Between 1 and 100. Defaults to 90.
labelx Number Offset the label left and right from the centre of the line. Measured in pixels. Negative values move left.
labely Number Offset the label up and down from the centre of the line. Measured in pixels. Negative values move up.
fromside String Specify a custom attachment point on the source node. See note [1] below.
toside String Specify a custom attachment point on the target node. See note [1] below.
tooltip String Specify a custom hover tooltip for the line
label String Specify a custom label to occur on the line. If "allow HTML" is enabled in formatter options, this field can contain HTML such as <br/> to create a new line.
drilldown String A field that will be set to token $flow_map_viz-drilldown$ when this link label is clicked.
  • [1] fromside / toside: Possible values are top, bottom, right, left. Defaults to the centre of the node. The value can also be specified with a modifier (+/-) to tune where on that side the attachment occurs. For example: "bottom-10" will attach to the bottom side, 10px to the left of center, "top+20" will attach to the top and 20 pixels to the right of center. When using path with multiple nodes, the fromside only affects the first node and the toside only affects the last node.

node fields:

Field Type Description
node String The ID of a node. Nodes can be disconnected with no links.
icon Number A font awesome icon name. From here: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free . Defaults to the font-awesome solid icon set (fas). Supply "far ICON" to use font awesome regular.
label String Set a custom label. If "allow HTML" is enabled in formatter options, this field can contain HTML such as <br/> to create a new line. Defaults to the node ID value.
labelx String Offset the label left and right from the centre of the node. Measured in pixels. Negative values move left.
labely Number Offset the label up and down from the centre of the node. Measured in pixels. Negative values move up.
height Number The height of the node in pixels.
width Number The width of the node in pixels.
color HTML color code Set the color of the node.
radius Number Set the border radius in pixels. Set to the same value as the height and width to make the node a circe.
opacity Number A value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
position String A comma seperated pair of coordinates. First number is the horizontal position and second is the vertical position as a percentage of available space in the frame. Values should be between 0 and 100
drilldown String A field that will be set to token $flow_map_viz-drilldown$ when this node is clicked.
order Number The stacking order of the node. Defaults to 50. Lower numbers stack under higher numbers. A negative value will stack underneath everything else
tooltip String Specify a custom hover tooltip for the node. Can contain HTML if you have enabled this option in the formatter settings

Third party software

The following third-party libraries are used by this app. Thank you!

Release Notes

Version 1.4.15
May 3, 2024

No changes, just a version bump to prevent Splunkbase from archiving this app.

Version 1.4.14
Jan. 9, 2022

- Fix bug where font awesome icons were not working as documented
- Fix bug with tokens not resetting consistently. Tokens now set when clicking on paths
- Thanks plewisnz for both bug reports.

- Update internal jquery library in order to maintain Splunk Cloud compatibility

- Minor bug fix where "copy positions" button would not work.

- Clicking on the background will now unset any flow_map_viz-* tokens

- You can now stack nodes underneath links by setting the "order" field to a negative value
- Tooltips now support HTML snippets (if enabled in the formatter settings)

- Fix bug where node icons would not update color
- Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
- Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Version 1.4.13
Sept. 2, 2021

* Update internal jquery library in order to maintain Splunk Cloud compatibility

* Minor bug fix where "copy positions" button would not work.

Clicking on the background will now unset any flow_map_viz- tokens

You can now stack nodes underneath links by setting the "order" field to a negative value
Tooltips now support HTML snippets (if enabled in the formatter settings)

Fix bug where node icons would not update color
Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
* Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Version 1.4.11
Feb. 8, 2021

* Minor bug fix where "copy positions" button would not work.

Clicking on the background will now unset any flow_map_viz- tokens

You can now stack nodes underneath links by setting the "order" field to a negative value
Tooltips now support HTML snippets (if enabled in the formatter settings)

Fix bug where node icons would not update color
Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
* Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Version 1.4.10
Oct. 17, 2020

Clicking on the background will now unset any flow_map_viz- tokens

You can now stack nodes underneath links by setting the "order" field to a negative value
Tooltips now support HTML snippets (if enabled in the formatter settings)

Fix bug where node icons would not update color
Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
* Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

Version 1.4.9
July 26, 2020

You can now stack nodes underneath links by setting the "order" field to a negative value
Tooltips now support HTML snippets (if enabled in the formatter settings)

Fix bug where node icons would not update color
Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
* Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

Version 1.4.5
June 10, 2020

Fix bug where node icons would not update color
Fix bug where "copy to clipboard" did not work on non-HTTPS sites.
* Added configurable tooltip on "nodes"

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

Version 1.4.3
April 14, 2020

Sets tokens when clicking nodes/links. Drilldowns can only be set on links.
Fix bug where sometimes link speed did not update properly
* New menu feature where particles speed can be slowed easily when using data domain

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

* Fix label alignment issue on Firefox

Version 1.4.2
March 2, 2020

* Added automatic fallback to canvas if browser does not support webgl

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

* Fix label alignment issue on Firefox

It is now possible to set a data domain (the expected range that data can fall in).
Fixed inconsistent sort order and added explicit "order" field
You can now set the width
Documentation improvements

Version 1.4.1
March 2, 2020

Add webGL renderer by default for much better performance.
Significant code refactor for better performance.
Code refactor to remove limit of 60 particles per second/per link.
Fixed tooltips so they do not overlap unnecessarily - thank you to @1earch for providing a PR.

* Fix label alignment issue on Firefox

It is now possible to set a data domain (the expected range that data can fall in).
Fixed inconsistent sort order and added explicit "order" field
You can now set the width
Documentation improvements

Version 1.3.1
Feb. 24, 2020

* Fix label alignment issue on Firefox

It is now possible to set a data domain (the expected range that data can fall in).
Fixed inconsistent sort order and added explicit "order" field
You can now set the width
Documentation improvements

Version 1.3.0
Sept. 12, 2019
  • It is now possible to set a data domain (the expected range that data can fall in).
  • Fixed inconsistent sort order and added explicit "order" field
  • You can now set the width
  • Documentation improvements
Version 1.2.0
Aug. 26, 2019

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