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SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_134.tgz) 6da80cdcf8f13eb9fd0fc6239a89001b8ebe2ca39c9ab78acbda2f568542c148 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_133.tgz) f5a5d27f85f114c84fefa7326374915eaca7a5cd5882bb961a25975e97bd0d00 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_132.tgz) cac969680c9572c74dc14a1998edc35eada0cc43440995e1b17c6c282229160f SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_131.tgz) 9d70fd531f242a9c5549c81375420b7b67d8a5fce2652d4ae6ffcd6e47be8333 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_130.tgz) 6eaf5c5dd207d3f96a7b9c0a243288e917275f7190359bac69da837ac44602f9 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_105.tgz) e6f3739c5821b098fc5985126628fdf59d6e027cb3b2f6fcc667eb989700450a SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_104.tgz) 3bea63412a31642cbb7290295ffde3a069e55085520bc1b6e485a8cdbcaa6286 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_103.tgz) c34eba2c739ffb03fce594537d65926fccb697d9f0aed2a3a0ef1e695e2a85da SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_102.tgz) 56b56587b47061894dfbaa0c9cd35e13dc69ebd5b7e9591d0d2f705a4b7f8db4 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_101.tgz) d91d2404c48053780db2ebf002b2e123b119825d7f504032145feae353cac5ba SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_100.tgz) cbccdd5c05c81e39305b576cf7205f27feca8b26f234706eaa5e7c2644b29e43 SHA256 checksum (security-monitoring-for-splunk_10.tgz) b55ef29b2f5e8509c782f4829f495f0df07a4ea62d18ba08e651f73d477a4888
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Security Monitoring for Splunk

Splunk Labs
This app has been archived. Learn more about app archiving.
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
With the Security monitoring for Splunk app you will gain a view of your ingested operational security data. It provides you with a suggested list of security data to ingest. Tells you why you should monitor it, and a suggested priority. The app includes tutorials, pointers for things to look out for in your data, built in help on dashboards, and guidance on configuring data feeds into Splunk. It has been designed to give you as much information and detail as possible without the need to use the Splunk search bar.

Whether you are just beginning your Splunk journey or more experienced, this app offers you a starting point.

See Documentation at; https://smfs-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest

TLDR; Install the pre req apps, most important being the Alert Manager app, and its TA, and configure it before working on this app. My recommendation is you configure alert manager to write to the 'alerts' index (which you need to create on your install) and write incidents to KVStore & the index (its clear how to do tht when you setup Alert Manager).

Once done, work through setup for this app, configuring your data sources and installing the right Technology add-ons (by searching splunkbase) to help you with field extractions.

Please provide issues, bugs, feedback via splunkbase.

Release Notes

Version 1.3.4
April 17, 2020

New Functionality; Import Content directly into the content manager (Playbooks), from Security Essentials app.
Page Telemetry
Fixed Tooltips previously broken in Splunk 8.0, due to blocking some bootstrap data- tags
Rework of the Playbook editor surface for a more consistent resize experience
HTML semantic improvements

Version 1.3.3
April 8, 2020

Fixed Errors failing Cloud Vetting.

Version 1.3.2
Dec. 9, 2019
  • All detailed tables now support dynamic in table drill down to the raw event.
  • Performance enhancements for the searches that populate the app setup page, field extractions.
  • Selected Tab background color fixed
  • Multiple Bugs Squashed
Version 1.3.1
Nov. 3, 2019

Fixed an issue with tabs in Splunk v8.0

Version 1.3.0
Oct. 31, 2019

V1.3 - With lots more content!

See latest at: https://smfs-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Version 1.0.5
Dec. 15, 2018

Fixed a lookup naming clash with windows_ta.

Version 1.0.4
Dec. 15, 2018

Fixed a clash on lookup names with the Windows_TA

Version 1.0.3
Nov. 12, 2018

Enhancement: Improved navigation bar in response to good feedback.
Enhancement: Service name lookup included to translate to network port numbers.
Enhancement: Network Intrusion Dashboard included in the Communications section.
Bug: Numerous fixed particularly with dashboard filter controls.
Bug: Detailed Traffic Streams graph corrected.

Version 1.0.2
Sept. 12, 2018

1.0.2 - Minor Bug Fix on VPN panel

Version 1.0.1
Aug. 23, 2018
Version 1.0.0
Aug. 21, 2018
Version 1.0
Aug. 17, 2018

Version 1.0
- Initial Release

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