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Downloading Citrix NetScaler with AppFlow
SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_500.tgz) 4bda8981d5cfb02887ba511074935bab44e3fda4bd816a6bd874273318960b32 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_48.tgz) da862045acc30597e2f1730bdefefd02532228a2d9f53c76c4fd0115d48fab63 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_47.tgz) 3aa7f2d97115266e4f12d84318742a2a73244f23529ef513eb67937510362fcd SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_464.tgz) e25560255d83f190a0cb59238453e4a4c201804a057cf2abb04168f4047c9c75 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_463.tgz) 3ec1b730d7d6c79db6be75e310e2306f1a4754b65ca2d664a3bc60293193fe48 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_462.tgz) 9729926dd89ecb27e90fe80d8715dc88e39711860d4871e7f64d6aa5b5d77fd3 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_461.tgz) 3431b873566ddfcd5896ba7446d8788e8dc26f43ebf2adf9124cba1bd6d93aa6 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_46.tgz) bbceb5773a94776666ba4be38a09a4eac399728ad747d0bdc6452889f5ffe8d6 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_45.tgz) f8f238efe4905b3df8dacf48ddb93be7f3a435c8168e4f1bbbc81526971f0de9 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_44.tgz) d1d280fd1e0ef6767713546635c9594002216948ee61c5266755ea0629a2ccb3 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_43.tgz) a7e3bee674165f5934016e4354cb5c612910ba37af85b48350ed1595c1b1dc6c SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_42.tgz) d5e57ceecb21a5c8725e48f3ab293dd076b8f413da26c39d567180449ebfc53b SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_41.tgz) 567612271fe41ea0d23fc48e7c3f8d37532d0f859fda180c3bcf4786d2dd769a SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_11.tgz) 54fb3cb54d301b635614d0948cd0b1aac47d94c9571a280059237d9f99d6a8a3 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_10.tgz) ac808e3898813a2df375239f24302e2c0818dcc31d83cf8d709ce9671ad066c2 SHA256 checksum (citrix-netscaler-with-appflow_00.tgz) c8f9ec35c6bf5ae457409f141eb0ddc64f6958c77c1c9d66fc6f61e1143c70d2
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Citrix NetScaler with AppFlow

This app has been archived. Learn more about app archiving.
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
The Splunk for Citrix NetScaler app is a set of field extractions, reports, lookups and dashboards which provide visibility into the Citrix NetScaler AppFlow, Application Firewall and VPN data. This app is configured to work with version 9.x of the Citrix NetScaler.

Support for this content

This app is not officially supported by Splunk Support. If you have a current Splunk Enterprise Support entitlement, Splunk will provide best-effort support for cases involving this app directly, but such cases will not be subject to the Splunk Enterprise Support SLA.


The Splunk for Citrix NetScaler app is a set of field extractions, reports, lookups and dashboards which provide visibility into the Citrix NetScaler AppFlow, Application Firewall and VPN data. This app is configured to work with version 9.x of the Citrix NetScaler.

The Splunk App for NetScaler with AppFlow translates binary AppFlow data to time- stamped ASCII text, so Splunk can utilize it and put it in context of all other data in the environment such as custom application log data, logs and metrics data of application components such as web servers, application servers, databases, firewalls, hypervisors and more. With added visibility into NetScaler and Appflow data, systems administrators and application support professionals are able to get central visibility into their entire environment and are able to correctly identify performance bottlenecks that lead to user experience issues. In addition to being able to detect and troubleshoot application performance issues faster, administrators can also visualize baselines, trends and other analytics that can help them plan capacity and make transactions more efficient for a better customer experience.
Splunk’s powerful visualization provides real-time views and role-appropriate dashboards on the state of key application performance and availability metrics. The flexibility and universality of Splunk allows you to put your operational data in a business context to allow richer, more informed business decision making. It also allows you to integrate in non-IT data to provide value added analysis that support the organization’s business objectives.

Splunk App for NetScaler with AppFlow— Dashboards and Reports

The Splunk App for NetScaler with AppFlow contains over 30 reports for situational awareness and dashboards supporting key business and security performance indicators (KPIs). Key reports available include:

HTTP user agent: shows you which platforms are most commonly used to access your web application

Most requested URLs: allows you to prioritize your response time optimization

Source and destination IPs and ports: gives you real time insight into the origins of your traffic

Average transaction times and round trip response times: allows you to monitor end user service levels

Traffic analysis by applications/servers: includes analysis of latencies and bandwidth usage

Load balancing dashboard: provides views of total bytes transferred by source destination and protocol

Web application firewall dashboard: shows violations by type over time, violations by IP address and the URL of the web page attacked.

SSL-VPN dashboard Critical Statistics dashboard: indicates the number of HTTP transactions URI, virtual server, user and host trended over time.

System Audit dashboard: depicts system console events and tracking commands/changes by user.

Reports from Splunk can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format and data ranges are fully supported. Reports can also be scheduled for delivery to individuals as PDFs. The Splunk App for Citrix NetScaler supports core Splunk functionality such as the ability to drill-down into raw log data from graphical elements and robust role-based access control.

Getting Started

For this app to work your Citrix NetScaler data must be extracting fields correctly. The Field Extractions included in this app are configured for the NetScaler v 9.0 and higher.

Upgrading from versions prior to 5.0.x

  1. On your Splunk server, remove the following:
    • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_NSIndexer
    • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_IPFIX_UDP_NIX (if applicable)
    • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_IPFIX_UDP_WIN (if applicable)
  2. Follow the rest of the installation instructions below.
  3. When uploading the installer file, make sure the "Upgrade app" is selected.


  1. Install the separate Splunk Add-on for IPFIX modular input. This input is required to collect AppFlow data.
  2. Click Download on this page. The SplunkforCitrixNetScaler-x.x.x.tar.gz installer file downloads to your computer.
  3. Log into Splunk Web.
  4. Click Apps > Manage Apps.
  5. Click Install App from File.
  6. Upload the SplunkforCitrixNetScaler-x.x.x.tar.gz installer file.
  7. Restart Splunk.

More Information

If you want to query NetScaler data using Data Models, then download and install the Common Information Model app.

Release Notes

Version 5.0.0
Sept. 5, 2014

Support for NetScaler version 10.x
Dashboards converted to Simple XML
Splunk CIM Compliance
Requires separate IPFIX collector http://apps.splunk.com/app/1801/

Version 4.8
Feb. 8, 2013

For this app to work your Citrix NetScaler data must be extracting fields correctly. The Field Extractions included in this app are configured for the NetScaler v 9.

To configure the app please set the sourcetype of your NetScaler logs to ns_log. If your data has already been indexed under a different sourcetype you will need to create a sourcetype alias for ns_log

To install the app, unpack this file into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps and restart.

The indexing portion of this app has been split from the main app. This is found in the /appserver/addons/NS_Indexer directory. Copy that into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps on your indexer and restart

Install videos:

AppFlow Configuration

The configuration file (ipfix.conf) is located in the app's "default" directory, which is $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_IPFIX_UDP/default/ipfix.conf . The appflow dashboards and reports rely on the sourcetype=appflow.

Version 4.7
Feb. 20, 2012
  • Update to use JavaScript chart, instead of Flash chart (so now the app supported iOS devices).
Version 4.6.4
Feb. 14, 2012
  • Fixed permissions in default.meta
Version 4.6.3
Feb. 1, 2012
  • Fixed a bug when incoming AppFlow records are incomplete.
  • Added a new field 'templateId' for easily searching records with a specific AppFlow Template ID.
Version 4.6.2
Oct. 17, 2011
  • Fixed bug: Duplicate Application names in AppFlow Traffic Analysis dashboards.
Version 4.6.1
Sept. 8, 2011

Fix bug with the error caused by the python script when parsing appflow traffic.

Version 4.6
Aug. 13, 2011

Fix bug with the lookup table issue.

Version 4.5
Aug. 9, 2011

Add lookup for appID (e.g. Virtual Server name) and minor interface changes.

Version 4.4
Aug. 3, 2011

This release updates the NetScaler Overview dashboard and the AppFlow Security dashboard.

Version 4.3
Aug. 1, 2011

This version includes new dashboards under AppFlow menu and bug fixes.

*** NOTE: There is a bug in Paginator components of AppFlow dashboards. For example, it may show that you have 10 pages of result data, but actually, you have only 1 or 2 pages of the result data, while the rest of the pages are blank. Hopefully, the bug will be fixed by the next version of the app.

Version 4.2
June 28, 2011

Added AppFlow Support
Added support for TCP syslog

Version 4.1
Dec. 7, 2010

created new dashboard schema using time pickers.

Version 1.1
Aug. 25, 2010

Fixed field extraction issue.
Fixed reporting fields issue

Version 1.0
Aug. 16, 2010

Updating file extensions

Version 0.0
Aug. 16, 2010

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