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Modal Text Message App for Splunk

Splunk Cloud
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The Modal Text Message App for Splunk is a library to extend Splunk dashboards with a modal text message feature that is activated by setting specific tokens in Splunk Dashboards.

This app can be used as a utility that is loaded via JavaScript extensions in SimpleXML dashboards, or the app's internal library can be integrated directly into other apps.

README for the Modal Text Message App for Splunk

Table of Contents

  • Overview
    • About
    • Release Notes
    • Support
    • License
  • Installation and Configuration
    • Requirements
    • Installation
    • Configuration
  • User Guide
    • Concepts
    • Usage
    • Upgrading


The Modal Text Message App for Splunk is a library to extend Splunk dashboards with a modal text message feature that is activated by setting specific tokens in Splunk Dashboards.


Author: Ryan Thibodeaux

Version: 2.0.0

License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License

Folder Name: modal_msg

Splunk Components Added?
Indexes FALSE
Inputs FALSE
Summarization FALSE
Scripts FALSE
Binaries FALSE
Data Models / Sets FALSE
Saved Searches FALSE

Release Notes


  • Added version=1.1 to dashboard/form nodes in SimpleXML dashboards. This makes
    the app more compliant with Splunk v9.x and the update to JQuery 3.5.
  • Trivial updates to copyrights, line endings, and other non-functional metadata.


  • CSS Updates
    • Increased width of modal window
    • Increased modal window body font
    • Fixed inconsistencies with border radius/corner settings
    • Made app's CSS more independent of Bootstrap settings
  • Changed navigation bar color to dark gray
  • Fixed border around app logo


  • Updated version number on About page
  • Updated App description
  • Gave license file ".txt" extension to satisfy Splunk App-Inspect tool


  • Fixed CSS to make consistent the corners of header and footer sections


  • Fixed oversight that tokens in 6.5 and 6.6 may not be detected in the change event handlers if the dashboard tokens are changed quickly after loading
  • Small change to CSS path loading
  • Removed part of requirejs error handling


Initial release with support for custom text messages.


Additional information and previous releases can be found on the Github page.


This app and the library contained within are released under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.

Third-party Software


Installation and Configuration


Skip this if you downloaded the app from Splunkbase.

Assuming you are checking out the source from Github, here are the steps to build the app tarball to then install in Splunk (assumes Linux or Mac). Note, make sure you keep the top-level repo folder name as "modal_msg" or you will potentially build a poorly structured application package.

git clone https://github.com/thibodux/modal_msg modal_msg
tar c --exclude='.git' --exclude='.gitignore' modal_msg > modal_msg.tar
gzip -q modal_msg.tar

Software requirements

The included demo / example dashboards require Splunk 6.3 or newer

The included software library in the app requires Splunk 6.0 or newer.

The Splunk Enterprise system requirements apply.


This app can be installed using the Splunk GUI, CLI, or Deployer.

This app is intended to extend Splunk dashboards, so it should be installed on Splunk Search Head components, such as:

  • Stand-alone Splunk Enterprise servers
  • Splunk Search-Head servers in distributed or clustered environments

This app should NOT be installed on Indexers, Heavy Forwarders, or Universal Forwarders.


No extra steps are required in order to make the app / library function properly following installation.

User Guide


This app provides a convenient way to extend Splunk dashboards with modal text message prompts. The app comes with pre-defined types / levels of modal windows that use different color schemes (e.g., Errors appear in RED).


Loading the library

A Splunk dashboard must first include this app's library in order to use the features. This is accomplished by adding the loader JavaScript file to the dashboard. In the case of SimpleXML, update the top-level XML to pull in the script, e.g.,

<dashboard script="modal_msg:load.js">


<form script="modal_msg:load.js">

For HTML dashboards, you need to add a the following element before the closing </body> tag,

<script src="{{SPLUNKWEB_URL_PREFIX}}/static/app/modal_msg/load.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Copying the library

If you want to use the library in the /appserver/static/components/ folder in your own app (i.e., you just want to use the code without installing this Splunk app), you must copy the folder /appserver/static/components/modaltextmsg into your app's /appserver/static/components/ folder. You must then copy the contents of the included file /appserver/static/load.js to setup the RequireJS paths to suit your app's needs. Naming conventions outside of this app's library do not matter - you must update the paths accordingly.

Triggering Modal Messages in SimpleXML

This library monitors specific Splunk tokens to trigger modal messages. The app allows a developer to modify the Title and the Message content in the modal window.

The app includes 4 built-in types of modal messages: debug, info, warn, and error.

The corresponding tokens and there effects are described below:

Token Effect
modal_msg_title Set the Title of next Modal Window to passed string
modal_msg_info Trigger "info" message set to passed string
modal_msg_debug Trigger "debug" message set to passed string
modal_msg_warn Trigger "warning" message set to passed string
modal_msg_error Trigger "error" message set to passed string

Note, the title string set in the "modal_msg_title" token only applies to the next modal window, i.e., the title is reset for each message. If the title is not set, a default title corresponding to the message type is used, e.g., "Error", "Warning", etc.

The modal message content can only contain text strings and the HTML line break tag (<br/>). All other HTML will be escaped.

SimpleXML Example

Here is an example of how to trigger a warning message when no results are returned for a search.

  <query> ... </query>
    <condition match="'job.resultCount' == 0">
    <set token="modal_msg_title">Warning: No Results</set>
    <set token="modal_msg_warn">Your base search returned no results.&lt;br/&gt;Consider adjusting the search period or input filters.</set>

Triggering Modal Messages at Dashboard Load time via URL

Because of how Splunk handles tokens in the URL, there is a separate set of tokens to trigger modal windows via the URL. The same logic and patterns hold as for the tokens in SimpleXML - the only difference is an addition of "_url" to the token names

Token Effect
modal_msg_url_title Set the Title of Modal Window when the dashboard loads
modal_msg_url_info The "info" message for the dashboard load time modal window
modal_msg_url_debug The "debug" message for the dashboard load time modal window
modal_msg_url_warn The "warning" message for the dashboard load time modal window
modal_msg_url_error The "error" message for the dashboard load time modal window
URL Example

The app library is designed to look for the triggering tokens passed via the URL. If any of the message triggering tokens are set in the URL at the time of loading the dashboard, the library will display on the first highest priority message it finds.

You can see an example by installing the app and then adding the following string to URL of the demo dashboard:


So an example of the full URL would be as follows:



Upgrade the app by installing new versions over previous installations. Restarts may or may not be required depending on what new files / features have been added. Splunk should indicate if a restart is required.

Release Notes

Version 2.0.0
Jan. 9, 2024

Mainly adding the version=1.1 attribute to form and dashboard nodes in SimpleXML.

The rest of the changes are pretty trivial things that tidy up the files, to include

  • updating the copyright years to 2024
  • unifying the line endings to unix
  • eliminating trailing whitespace
Version 1.1.0
March 11, 2018
  • CSS Updates
    -- Increased width of modal window
    -- Increased modal window body font
    -- Fixed inconsistencies with border radius/corner settings
    -- Made app's CSS more independent of Bootstrap settings
  • Changed navigation bar color to dark gray
  • Fixed border around app logo

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