Login PI is an advanced performance measuring system that employs virtual users to monitor your end-users’ actual digital experience. But unlike real-user / synthetic monitoring, Login PI’s virtual users simulate real end-user desktop tasks—in a consistent and measurable fashion—providing you with an accurate picture of desktop performance without affecting end-user productivity.
You can now gain access to this data programmatically. Our secure API lets you integrate Login PI’s virtual user data into other popular third-party tools, such as Splunk, where it can be tracked and analyzed—ultimately providing you with predictive digital user experience analytics.
There are lots of ways you can use our API, for example:
• Login PI data could be fed to a Splunk Predictive Analytics dashboard where it could drive insight into future VDI capacity planning needs
• Login PI alerts could automatically generate helpdesk trouble tickets before end-users even notice there’s a problem
• Write an Excel macro that calls on our API to return a set of performance results to create charts and graphs for BI reporting
For more information on Login PI, please check out the following:
• https://www.loginvsi.com/products/login-pi
• https://www.loginvsi.com/documents/datasheets/login-pi-datasheet-newest.pdf
• https://www.loginvsi.com/resources/videos
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