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Downloading Cisco ACI App for Splunk Enterprise
SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_510.tgz) a91961291e3acba3e2189882d0b334629403218b3b67adac57977ce382cf2278 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_500.tgz) 8432a137d3b687fe33d33645eca89b744784152a18df99b6b311131a757999b1 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_440.tgz) 12d6a60b71ae0a30c6eebaa863534a83b7374a08dfc1ece1c1e76aa3dc053ce0 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_430.tgz) 78871615de57617fc0af56e94b1c4cc9d163c021fc81666b768877f480c761c0 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_424.tgz) eb8b26442be815b37364345e00be47e0a3fb656eb1a82cc1a15122a7cc41db0e SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_423.tgz) 21960044191c8396978deaae403c9bd8388468ea9207641475093f649a69d018 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_422.tgz) 863e318eca787f4c936591189194734a45dd244c640a452546e3e98ab13636e5 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_421.tgz) 459991e36cf0e3567116f6ec3340f6b464165850987d5fe878f2700918ff105f SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_420.tgz) 5c30a733ca3a17fcee5230a83f410abc88df829092e1f73ef609763bfa0222e7 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_413.tgz) 6858a90e88848cd04cb243bcf0f7ee0b1e469c67e257dd8004a49b0b992a34c7 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_401.tgz) 4370880b08a3ead992091ccbe3bef7520921c93d55e227d1fbf7d0a73ad05d74 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_40.tgz) fa5fabb6cd3de2ce03fb7a4dfdebecc1deb1d934de3769922a2236b4c395d191 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_30.tgz) dabb536b09e7260940b98cc9f55d8811c0475315703f025287a51dad23f0b9c7 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_222.tgz) 9d8283d616ee11dcaa2255d162a89ecea418fd98302503311701b0dd778f1e0e SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_221.tgz) b8c7fc0dfe19193c7e237b1e7ac3c638ddf652242700a621a99aac8354a6a7dd SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_22.tgz) 168f431a961bc82deb59f5ca0b76408119e5bd119dacb1804472fe2812acca9d SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_21.tgz) 2859e33cde57074b864ef2fc2c7c20b3de5b6f58c3c455f1d374eafd9fd9325e SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_20.tgz) 7df08e1cc7d35b11d0aed76834bd64512dfd16ed3715fcacffaee63e3594496f SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_11.tgz) 89b82528effc76ee7c9a3cad7a825e9df3724c8ce8e6482b2e6661b044983c26 SHA256 checksum (cisco-aci-app-for-splunk-enterprise_10.tgz) 20806116cb946e1b97f5b95171881dfa0b48def20407d740933f51ab43d6cb99
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Cisco ACI App for Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Cloud
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
A flexible approach to monitoring your Cisco ACI and all other elements of your technology stack. This App for Cisco ACI uses Cisco’s open API framework to collect APIC events, health scores and inventory data to deliver centralized, real-time visibility for applications and ACI infrastructures across bare metal and virtualized environments

Cisco ACI App for Splunk gathers data from APIC enabling you to:

• Gain real time visibility centrally across your ACI deployment
• Track inventory of logical ( e.g tenants, app profiles, EPGs) and physical constructs ( e.g spines, leafs, VMs) along with their health/fault monitoring to analyze, prevent and fix problems
• Threshold setting for KPI's and generate alerts when exceeding warning/critical limits
• Faults tracking with state transition
• Correlate compute, network and storage components by providing integration with Splunk app for vmware

For App related questions, contact


The Cisco ACI App for Splunk Enterprise is used to build dashboards on indexed data provided by the "Cisco ACI Add-on for Splunk Enterprise" app.

This app delivers centralized, real-time visibility for applications and ACI infrastructures across the bare metal and virtualized environments.


  • Splunk version supported 9.2.x, 9.1.x and 9.0.x
  • This main App requires "Cisco ACI Add-on for Splunk Enterprise" version 5.1.0

Recommended System configuration

  • Splunk search head system should have 16 GB of RAM and an octa-core CPU to run this app smoothly.

Topology and Setting up Splunk Environment

Install the main app (Cisco ACI App for Splunk Enterprise) and Add-on (Cisco ACI Add-on for Splunk Enterprise) on a single machine. * Here both the app resides on a single machine. * The main app uses the data collected by the Add-on and build dashboards on it.

Installation of App

  • This app can be installed through UI using "Manage Apps" or extract zip file directly into /opt/splunk/etc/apps/ folder.
  • Restart Splunk.
  • Login to Splunk: http://<your_splunk_host:port>
  • Open browser: http://<your_splunk_host:port>/en-US/debug/refresh. Click "Refresh"
  • Open browser: http://<your_splunk_host:port>/en-US/_bump
    (To pull all updated web resources from the server to the browser, to modify the cached items such as js, cookies, images etc..)
  • Restart Splunk

  • Note:
    1) If a previous version of the App is already installed, remove the cisco-app-ACI folder from the Splunk app folder before the installation of a newer version or the user can upgrade the app from Splunk UI.
    2) If in case cleaned Splunk eventdata, please make sure to delete the files ending with _LastTransactionTime.txt from TA_cisco-ACI/bin/ folder.
    These files are saving timestamp to get only incremental data from APIC or MSO.

Installation of Add-on

  • This Add-on can be installed through UI using "Manage Apps" or extract zip file directly into /opt/splunk/etc/apps/ folder.
  • Ref documentation provided by "Cisco ACI Add-on for Splunk Enterprise" for Configuration of Add-on

  • Note: If a previous version of the Add-on is already installed, remove the TA_cisco-ACI folder from the Splunk app folder before installation of a newer version or the user can upgrade the app from Splunk UI.
    If the user upgrades the app, it should be ensured that index, sourcetype, and interval must be mentioned for each input in local/inputs.conf

Upgrade of App/Add-on

Please disable all the scripted inputs before upgrading Add-on(TA_cisco-ACI). * Download the App package * From the UI navigate to Apps-> Manage Apps * In the top right corner select "Install app from file" * Select "Choose File" and select the App package * Check Upgrade App * Select "Upload" and follow the prompts.
#### OR * If a newer version is available on splunkbase, then App/Add-on can be updated from UI also.
* From the UI navigate to Apps-> Manage Apps OR click on the gear icon
* Search for Cisco ACI App/Add-on
* Click on 'Update to <version>' under Version Column.

Post upgrade steps

Upgrading the Add-on(TA_cisco-ACI) to v5.1.0 from any version

Please follow the below steps.

  • In inputs.conf file under TA_cisco-ACI/local folder, if stanza containing '-stats' is present, then perform the following steps.
  • Change following Classes:
    • eqptEgrTotal5min to eqptEgrTotal15min
    • eqptIngrTotal5min to eqptIngrTotal15min
    • procCPU5min to procCPU15min
    • procMem5min to procMem15min
  • Restart Splunk
    ##### OR
  • Remove that whole stanza and save the file.
  • Restart Splunk

  • Follow below steps if you are collecting data using Certificate Based Authentication in v4.3.0 OR v4.4.0 and Upgrading Add-on to v5.1.0

  • Take Backup of your Private key.
  • You need to convert your Private key to RSA Private key by running the following command in cmd.

    • openssl rsa -in <old_private_key>.key -out <private_key>.key
      (Keep the name same for newly generated private_key).
  • Enable all the scripted inputs.

  • Note: If scripts are already enabled then first disable and then re-enable all the scripted inputs.

Uninstallation of App

This section provides the steps to uninstall App from a standalone Splunk platform installation.

  • (Optional) If you want to remove data from Splunk database, you can use the below Splunk CLI clean command to remove indexed data from an app before deleting the app.

    • $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk clean eventdata -index <index_name>
  • Delete the app and its directory. The app and its directory are typically located in the folder$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<appname> or run the following command in the CLI:

    • $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk remove app [appname] -auth <splunk username>:<splunk password>
  • You may need to remove user-specific directories created for your app by deleting any files found here: $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/etc/users/*/<appname>

  • Restart the Splunk platform. You can navigate to Settings -> Server controls and click the restart button in Splunk web UI or use the following Splunk CLI command to restart Splunk:

    • $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk restart


  • Once the Add-on is configured to receive data from ACI, The main app dashboard can take some time before the data is populated in all panels. A good test to see that you are receiving all of the data is to run this search after several minutes:

    index="<your index>" | stats count by sourcetype

  • Troubleshooting APIC configuration:

  • In particular, you should see these sourcetypes:
    • cisco:apic:health
    • cisco:apic:stats
    • cisco:apic:class
    • cisco:apic:authentication
    • cisco:apic:cloud
  • If you don't see these sourcetypes, have a look at the messages output by the scripted input: collect.py. Here is a sample search that will show them:
    index=_internal component="ExecProcessor" collect.py "ACI Error:" | table _time host log_level message

  • Troubleshooting MSO configuration:

  • You should see this sourcetype: cisco:mso
  • If you don't see this sourcetype, have a look at the messages output by the scripted input: collect_mso.py. Here is a sample search that will show them:
    index=_internal component="ExecProcessor" collect_mso.py "MSO Error:" | table _time host log_level message

You can also see $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log file to check if any error has occurred.



Below are two sample event records. The first one gives health detail for a tenant with the name "common" and the other one gives a fault detail for the same tenant.


2014-04-25 00:38:07 dn=uni/tn-common/health status=created,modified updTs=2014-04-25T04:52:32.274+00:00 chng=0 cur=100 maxSev=cleared modTs=never twScore=100 rn=health prev=100 childAction= dn=uni/tn-common lcOwn=local ownerKey= name=common descr= status=created,modified monPolDn=uni/tn-common/monepg-default modTs=2014-04-23T22:14:01.702+00:00 ownerTag= uid=0 rn=tn-common childAction= component=fvTenant


2014-04-25 00:38:08 status=created,modified domain=tenant code=F1228 occur=1 subject=contract severity=minor descr=Contract default configuration failed due to filter-not-present origSeverity=minor rn=fault-F1228 childAction= type=config dn=uni/tn-common/oobbrc-default/fault-F1228 prevSeverity=minor modTs=never highestSeverity=minor lc=raised changeSet= created=2014-04-23T22:24:37.274+00:00 ack=no cause=configuration-failed rule=vz-abrcp-configuration-failed lastTransition=2014-04-23T22:26:57.046+00:00 dn=uni/tn-common lcOwn=local ownerKey= name=common descr= status=created,modified monPolDn=uni/tn-common/monepg-default modTs=2014-04-23T22:14:01.702+00:00 ownerTag= uid=0 rn=tn-common childAction= component=fvTenant


Below are two sample event records. The first one gives policy detail for a policy named common_tenant_policy and the other one for mso_policy.


current_time=2020-06-19 16:10:42 mso_host=x.x.x.x mso_api_endpoint=policyDetails version=1 provider_epgRef=/schemas/5eccc36d2d0000623d59b228/templates/Template2/anps/common_tenant_AP/epgs/common_tenant_EPG_1 provider_addr= provider_l3Ref= provider_tenantId=0000ffff0000000000000010 provider_externalEpgRef= tenantId=0000ffff0000000000000010 id=5ed5f8242a1d00df1aabe01b policySubtype=relay name=common_tenant_policy policyType=dhcp


current_time=2020-06-19 16:10:42 mso_host=x.x.x.x mso_api_endpoint=policyDetails provider_epgRef=/schemas/5eccc36d2d0000623d59b228/templates/Template2/anps/common_tenant_AP/epgs/common_tenant_EPG_1 provider_addr= provider_l3Ref= provider_tenantId=0000ffff0000000000000010 provider_externalEpgRef= tenantId=5ecca9982d0000453759b150 id=5eec91755c1d0065269c37c6 policySubtype=relay name=mso_policy policyType=dhcp

Data Model

This app stores the indexed data in accelerated datamodels and build dashboards by fetching data from datamodels. Below is the list of datamodels that have been created in the app.

  • Auth - Maps authentication details from the ACI Environment.
  • Health - Maps health and fault information for all the MOs of given classes.
  • Fault - Maps to defects or faults present on APIC.
  • Systems - Maps to general information for all the MOs of given classes.
  • Counters - Maps to general information for all the MOs of given classes.
  • Statistics - Maps to statistical data for all the MOs of given classes.
  • Events - Maps to general information for all the MOs of class=eventrecord.

  • If you want to improve the performance of dashboards, you must need to enable the acceleration of datamodel. Please follow the below steps:

  • Go to Settings -> Data Models
  • Filter with Cisco ACI App For Splunk Enterprise
  • In Action tab, Click on Edit and click Edit Acceleration
  • Check Acceleration checkbox and select the appropriate summary range and Save it
  • Warning: Acceleration may increase storage and processing costs.

Saved Searches

This app provides savedsearches that generate lookup files or send email alerts.

  • savedsearches which generates lookup files
  • APICFabricLookup - generates APICNodeLookup.csv file
  • APICCEPLookup - generates APICVMLookup.csv file
  • MSO Sites Lookups - generates mso_site_details.csv file
  • savedsearches which generates alerts
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Tenant Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Tenant Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Tenant Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: EPG Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: EPG Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: EPG Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Contracts Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Contracts Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Contracts Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Filters Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Filters Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Filters Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: BD Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: BD Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: BD Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: L3Out Networks Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: L3Out Networks Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: L3Out Networks Exceeds Max Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: TCAM Percentage Utilized Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: TCAM Percentage Utilized Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Egress Port Utilization for Leafs/Spines Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Egress Port Utilization for Leafs/Spines Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Ingress Port Utilization for Leafs/Spines Exceeds Warning Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: Ingress Port Utilization for Leafs/Spines Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: VLAN Pool Exceeds Max Thresh
    old Limit
  • ACI Monitoring Threshold: VLAN Pool Exceeds Critical Threshold Limit

Additional Features

In addition to out-of-the-box reporting and analytics capabilities for your ACI environment, the app includes a set of pre-defined dashboards for specific user roles:

  • Helpdesk admin: Enables Help desk operator to analyze various faults in the system and escalate them to tenant or fabric admin accordingly. He will have access to only "Home", "Authentication" and "Helpdesk" dashboards.

  • Tenant admin: Enables Tenant admin to analyze and drill down faults and health related issues to a particular tenant. He can drill down into Applications, EPGs, and VM endpoints to identify a single point of failure within the admin. He will have access to only "Home", "Authentication" and "Tenants" Dashboards.

  • Fabric admin: Enables Fabric Admin to analyze physical network related issues. It gives visibility into fabric components of networks e.g. leaf, spine and it's physical components like chassis, ports, fan tray, line card, etc.

  • Tenant user: Enables Tenant User to manage a specific tenant and all of its components like Application, EPGs, and VMs. To create a Tenant user for tenant "ABC", follow the steps given below.

1) Create a role with the name "tenant_ABC". In search criteria put "dn=uni/tn-ABC/*".
2) Create a new user with the name user-ABC and apply the role of "tenant_ABC" to this user.
3) Edit the permission of Tenant Dashboard to provide read access to a user with the role "tenant_ABC".

The app also includes a set of MSO dashboards for specific use cases:

New Dashboards

  • Sites: Information about sites associated with MSO and the fault count of various severity levels. Drill-downs are provided in Site Information, Site Health graph, and panels consisting of fault counts, so users can get a detailed view of the same.

  • Schemas: Information about schemas configured with MSO. Drill down into No. of Schemas Associated With MSO single pane visualization will show schema details, drill-down on Application Profiles, Bridge Domain, External EPGs, and VRF single pane visualization to get insights about particular health and fault details and drill-down on contracts will show contracts health details.

  • Tenants: Graphical representation of tenants associated with sites, schemas, and users. Drill down on table showing Tenant Details for a particular site will re-direct to Tenant Details dashboard giving more description about the selected tenant.

  • Users: Information about MSO users and their roles. More details about user and roles are given by drill down on the Users and Roles panel.

  • Policy: Information about policies configured in MSO. Drill down on Policy SubType Breakdown panel will show details of specific subtype.

All the MSO dashboards have Audit Logs panel showing Audit Logs of a particular type, for example, schemas dashboard have audit logs only of type schema.


  • If any warning displayed in dashboards of the app stating excessive memory usage of mvexpand command like: output will be truncated at xxx results due to excessive memory usage... , user can manually increase the memory limit in limits.conf
  • Default value of max_mem_usage_mb parameter is 500 MB. to increase the limit follow the below steps.
  • create limits.conf file under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/cisco-app-ACI/local
  • Add below stanza:
    max_mem_usage_mb = <non-negative integer in MB>

The list of open source components used in developing the App


  • This app is supported by Cisco Systems.
  • Email support during weekday business hours. Please ask a question or send an email to aci-splunk-app@cisco.com
  • Author: Cisco Systems
  • Copyright (c) 2024 Cisco Systems, Inc

Release Notes

  • Version 5.1.0:
  • Removed information about APIC Roles from all dashboards.
  • Updated setup guide
  • Bug Fixes

  • Version 5.0.0:

  • Added MSO Overview, Sites, Schemas, Tenants, Users, and Policy Dashboards for Multi-Site Orchestrator.
  • Updated setup guide

  • Version 4.4.0:

  • Updated setup guide
  • Added support of Splunk 8.x

  • Version 4.3.0:

  • Added 3 Dashboards of Cloud APIC
  • Changed savedsearches - APICFabricLookup, APICCEPLookup
  • Bug Fixes

Release Notes

Version 5.1.0
May 23, 2024
  • Added information about required APIC Roles on Setup Page
  • Added subtree fvIP for fvCEP class to get the source addr field
  • Added Support for Nexus Dashboard authentication along with MSO authentication
  • Added Support for APIC version 5.2 and 6.x
  • Added Support for NDO version supported 4.1 and 4.2
  • Added Support for Splunk 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2
Version 5.0.0
Oct. 15, 2020

Added New dashboards for Multi-Site Orchestrator
MSO Overview
Added support for filter out data based on the Multi-Site Orchestrator on all ACI dashboards

Version 4.4.0
Jan. 7, 2020
  • Added support of Splunk 8.x
Version 4.3.0
Aug. 8, 2019

Version 4.3.0
Added 3 Dashboards of Cloud APIC
Changed savedsearches - APICFabricLookup, APICCEPLookup
* Bug Fixes

Version 4.2.4
Jan. 26, 2019

v 4.2.4
- Additional Dashboards for Controller Statistics and ACL Logs on L2 and L3 layer
- Better UI performance
- Additional VLAN information
- Bug fixes

Version 4.2.3
Oct. 22, 2018

v 4.2.3
-Additional bug fixes

v 4.2.2
- Additional Cloud Support

v 4.2.1
- Additional Dashboards for Controller Statistics and ACL Logs on L2 and L3 layer
- Better UI performance
- Additional VLAN information
- Bug fixes

For App related questions, kindly create a TAC case
Contact Us
1 800 553 2447 or
1 408 526 7209

Version 4.2.2
Sept. 25, 2018

v 4.2.2
- Additional Cloud Support

v 4.2.1
- Additional Dashboards for Controller Statistics and ACL Logs on L2 and L3 layer
- Better UI performance
- Additional VLAN information
- Bug fixes

For App related questions, kindly create a TAC case
Contact Us
1 800 553 2447 or
1 408 526 7209

Version 4.2.1
July 13, 2018

v 4.2.1
- Additional Dashboards for Controller Statistics and ACL Logs on L2 and L3 layer
- Better UI performance
- Additional VLAN information
- Bug fixes

Version 4.2.0
July 12, 2018

v 4.2.0
- Additional Dashboards for Controller Statistics and ACL Logs on L2 and L3 layer
- Better UI performance
- Additional VLAN information
- Bug fixes

Version 4.1.3
Sept. 22, 2017

Version 4.1.3 updates (compatible with ACI add-on 4.1.1):

New Fabric Extenders dashboard
APIC Syslog parsing capability - Used in System Faults and Events dashboard
APIC Health and Status monitoring
Minor bugs and fixes
Optimized dashboard/search performance

For Technical Support: contact aci-splunk-app@cisco.com OR create a case with Cisco TAC.

Version 4.0.1
March 31, 2017

All features existing in the version 4.0
New sample data for eventgen (Cisco ACI Add-on for Splunk Enterprise Version 4.0.1)
Minor bug fixes
Updated Help Desk>'System Faults' dashboard
Updated Fabric>'Authentication' dashboard

Version: 4.0 features
The features developed in this release include: • Support for multiple APIC's • Syslog Integration with ACI • Multi-Pod and Micro-segmentation view • Get to the root cause better and faster • Increased performance of dashboards • New and better User Interface and drill-down capabilities

Version 4.0
Jan. 24, 2017

The features developed in this release include: • Support for multiple APIC's • Syslog Integration with ACI • Multi-Pod and Micro-segmentation view • Get to the root cause better and faster • Increased performance of dashboards • New and better User Interface and drill-down capabilities

Version 3.0
Oct. 20, 2016

The features developed in this release include:
• Support for multiple APIC's
• Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks) • Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed. • Fault tracking with state transition. • Tenant Utilization, Top TCAM and Port Utilization.

Version 2.2.2
Oct. 14, 2016

The features developed in this release include: • Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks) • Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed. • Fault tracking with state transition. • Tenant Utilization, Top TCAM and Port Utilization. • Updated the Splunk Landing page/home page to display the Number of EPGs, Number of contracts, Number of filters, Number of BDs and Number of L3OutNetworks. Drill down on each component to display tenant-wise details.

Version 2.2.1
Oct. 7, 2016

The features developed in this release include:
• Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks)
• Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed.
• Fault tracking with state transition.
• Tenant Utilization, Top TCAM and Port Utilization.
• Updated the Splunk Landing page/home page to display the Number of EPGs, Number of contracts, Number of filters, Number of BDs and Number of L3OutNetworks. Drill down on each component to display tenant-wise details.

Version 2.2
Sept. 9, 2016

Release Features
The features developed in this release include:
• Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks)
• Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed.
• Fault tracking with state transition.
• Tenant Utilization.
• TCAM and Port Utilization.
• Updated the Splunk Landing page/home page to display the Number of EPGs, Number of contracts, Number of filters, Number of BDs and Number of L3OutNetworks. Drill down on each component to display tenant-wise details.

Version 2.1
Aug. 3, 2016

Release Features
The features developed in this release include:
• Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks)
• Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed.
• Fault tracking with state transition.
• Tenant Utilization.
• TCAM and Port Utilization.
• Updated the Splunk Landing page/home page to display the Number of EPGs, Number of contracts, Number of filters, Number of BDs and Number of L3OutNetworks. Drill down on each component to display tenant-wise details.

Version 2.0
July 5, 2016

Release Features
The features developed in this release include:
• Threshold setting for KPI's (i.e. no of tenants, end point groups, contracts, filters, bridge domains and l3out networks)
• Generate Alters when threshold levels exceed.
• Fault tracking with state transition.
• Tenant Utilization.
• TCAM and Port Utilization.
• Updated the Splunk Landing page/home page to display the Number of EPGs, Number of contracts, Number of filters, Number of BDs and Number of L3OutNetworks. Drill down on each component to display tenant-wise details.

Version 1.1
April 1, 2015
Version 1.0
Oct. 31, 2014

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