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URL Receiver

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Modular input for receiving data via webhooks.

URL Receiver Modular Input

Simple modular input written in Go which starts a webserver and listens for incomming requests. Data received in the request body or form params is the indexed by Splunk. This can be used to receive data from Webhooks.


  • Splunk 5+ (tested with 6.1)
  • Linux, MacOSX or Windows (Windows is untested but should work)


Install the app in Splunk Manager and go to Settings -> Data Inputs -> URL Receiver to add a new input.

Input Settings

  • port (int, required)

    TCP Port to list for incoming HTTP requests.

  • path (string, required)

    URL path to match against to associate an incoming request to a configured input. Requests not matching the path of any input will receive a HTTP 404 response and will not be indexed.

  • data_retrieval (string, default "raw_body")

    "Define how data is extracted from incoming HTTP requests. Possible values are:

    "raw_body" - Index the raw body content of the HTTP request

    "form_field" - Index the content of a particular form field (see form_field)

    "form_kv" - Index generated key-value pairs for all POST- or GET params

    "full_request" - Dump full request details (including request line, headers and form data)

  • form_field (string, default "")

    (For data_retrieval=form_field) Read and index the value of a form field of incoming HTTP requests. The form field can either be the value of a param of the decoded POST/PUT body (either url-encoded or multipart) or the value of the query string for a GET request.

  • host_from_clientip (boolean, default false)

    If enabled use the IP address of the client sending the HTTP request as the host field of the indexed event.

  • debug (boolean, default false)

    Enable debug logging for this input (logs to splunkd.log)

  • response (string, default "OK")

    Text send back to the client after successfully receiving data.

Source Code

The source code for this add-on can be found on github github.com/ziegfried/splunk-urlreceiver

Release Notes

Version 0.1
Sept. 11, 2014

Initial alpha release

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