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Give your end-users the possibility to commit changes to their App elements (Views, Dashboards, SavedSearches, etc.) to to a subversion repository.

This App helps improving the development process for Splunk Apps in the SearchHead GUI. End-users can check what changes have been made to a specific Splunk GUI element, compare revisions and check the revision log.

The App is basically a Subversion GUI extension for users who develop their Views, Dashboards and SavedSearches in the Splunk SearchHead.


Give your Splunk end-users the possibility to commit changes to their own Apps to a subversion repository.
"VControl" provides GUI extensions to the Splunk SearchHead to commit changes on Dashboards, Views, SavedSearches, etc. to subversion. End-users can browse their revision logs, check for file-diffs, and see the file contents for their apps.


The App has to be installed on the SearchHead only

App Configuration

Copy the file $APP_HOME/default/svn.conf.example to $APP_HOME/local/svn.conf and change its content according to your needs

Put an app under version control

Initially, Apps have to be put manually under Subversion control. To use an already created App in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps with "VControl", do the following

i.e. put the example App "webstats2.0" under control of "VControl":

  1. Create a subversion repository (i.e "my_apps") if not already exists
  2. checkout "my_apps" in a /tmp directory --> /tmp/my_apps
  3. move $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/webstats2.0 to /tmp/my_apps
  4. add and commit /tmp/my_apps/webstats2.0 to subversion
  5. go to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps and checkout "webstats2.0" with subversion
  6. from now on, you're able to use "VControl" to track changes of webstats2.0

See next chapter "App Naviation" to see how you can add an Admin Navigation link to "webstats2.0" to give end-users the posibility for versioning their changes

App Navigation

To add the possibility for end-users to version their own Apps, there are two globally defined views ("versioncontrol" and "versioncontrol-revisions") that you can include in their Apps navigation path.

For example, if you want to give the owner of the "Webstats2.0" App the posibility to use "VControl", include following lines in the navigation menu "default.xml" of "Webstats2.0":

<collection label="Admin" >
<view name="versioncontrol" />
<view name="versioncontrol-revisions" />

See following screenshot as an example:

integrate into custom apps


Enable logging by configuring python "splunk.svn" stanza in the log-local.cfg file


#> cat $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/log-local.cfg
splunk.svn = DEBUG

Then see the logs in $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/svn.log

Release Notes

Version 1.0
March 23, 2014

initial version

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