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Downloading Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)
SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_532.tgz) 90a6684f0f59618a08f9a0e308db932ee231f7db92b714c9552eaa48f52d8fee SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_531.tgz) de8d9cf7f8dde7569afcc0a713de60797598d3bbac315002a308731335b6d753 SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_512.tgz) 9c1c1e99afa1eb5ade00545be1fa433c8e67289d17d386e861bc3ed54649e064 SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_520.tgz) b8a7cfe0170b1cf413a7ba7652b5af555d958b193332911f5494240ae0a69aeb SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_502.tgz) 016c14ef144e270633bd37c3b649ce9282fcbf4c004d5f2309df6672dc93c289 SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_4180.tgz) 4a7c85d3d61b6bc0c0f0ae45c057041bac67f6f805c6ae9d1924880a7514fcf0 SHA256 checksum (splunk-common-information-model-cim_4140.tgz) ef7cad1ca1b2caa3d34c72255b7f1a974678720469245386d179cc2ce43b11bf
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Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)

Splunk Cloud
Splunk Built
The Common Information Model is a set of field names and tags which are expected to define the least common denominator of a domain of interest. It is implemented as documentation on the Splunk docs website and JSON data model files in this add-on. Use the CIM add-on when modeling data or building apps to ensure compatibility between apps, or to just take advantage of these data models to pivot and report.

Release Notes

Version 5.3.2
March 27, 2024
Version 5.3.1
Dec. 19, 2023
Version 5.1.2
Nov. 8, 2023
Version 5.2.0
Sept. 1, 2023
Version 5.0.2
Oct. 4, 2022
Version 4.18.0
Nov. 18, 2020
Version 4.14.0
Oct. 17, 2019

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