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Growl Notification Script

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This package includes a simple alert script that sends Splunk alerts as notifications to a Growl deamon over network (UDP).

Growl is a notification utiliy for Mac OS X that displays notification from various applications. For more information about Growl and to download it visit http://growl.info/


Please send your feedback to splunk at spp.at.

If you have questions/issues/ideas don't hesitate to ask them on Splunk Answers: http://answers.splunk.com/questions/tagged/app-growl-spp


- Growl has to be installed on your Mac OS X client machine.
- Your client machine has to be reachable on UDP Port 9887 for the Splunk Server (ie. not blocked by a firewall)


On your client machine:

Setup growl to listen on the network for incoming notifications and enter a password to allow remote application registration. To do so go to System Preferences on your Mac > Growl > Network - See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1160714/screens/growl_config_screen.png

On the Splunk Server:

Copy the growlnotify.py form the package to the following folder on your Splunk Server:


Make sure the script is executable:

$ chmod a+x $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/scripts/growlnotify.py

Edit the growlnotify.py and enter the values for the following variables:

GROWL_HOST - Enter the IP Address of the client machine running Growl (eg. GROWL_HOST = "")
GROWL_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD - Enter the password you've set in the Growl Preferences (eg. GROWL_REGISTRATION_PASSWORD="changeme")

Excute the growlnotify.py with \--register as argument. The script will send a registrations packet to the Growl daemon.

$ splunk cmd python growlnotify.py --register

You will get an entry in Growl > Applications where you can configure how Splunk notifications should look like.

Basic Usage

Set up a scheduled search and enter as alert action "Trigger shell script" and fill in growlnotify.py as the "Filename of shell script to execute". See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1160714/screens/save_search_dialog.png

When the search is executed and the conditions match, the growlnotify script will be invoked which will send a notification to the Growl host using the saved search name as a title and the number of events as the message.

Advanced Usage

If you want to customize the message that is displayed within the Growl notification, you'll have to customize the search. Once the saved search name ends with "--inline", then the growlnotify script will take a look at each result of the search if it contains a field called "growl_msg" and will send a notification with the value of this field.

Example search:

sourcetype=access_combined | stats count by uri,host | where count>1000 | eval growl_msg="Frequently accessed URI: ".uri." has been hit ".tostring(count)." times in the last hour on host ".host

Save this search with the search name "Website Notification--inline" and configure it to execute the grownotify.py script.
This will produce notification messages like "Frequently accessed URI: /products/product1 has been hit 3805 times in the last hour on host webserver1" with the notification title "Web Notification"

Release Notes

Version 1.0
Sept. 24, 2010

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