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Downloading Fastly (Signal Sciences) NG-WAF - TA
SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1038.tgz) e1bbeddac15c9c2472743901776ee4f05f6e8a943de1472951e69ebd9ea2499f SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1037.tgz) 7acf4d814671703fbd7d2b341d0ac959eac297ab3715dd08dd07a906b1edd4af SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1036.tgz) 44fa648825c0077875b5b2ae494a3a4afa741b56a43d4f11f4e640b15fb54256 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1035.tgz) df6bb2915cd00a6d4e902fc47da9d871688e371966d8a8035cb71c02a53e65e3 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1034.tgz) 0fe18d0cec4da79e093e91cd495552d7a407aa1466c0829467a35087adae97e2 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1033.tgz) 25594620272d4d2c097f62b5ad9254c175a0465d785ed55241331586a61f75cc SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1032.tgz) a16c3144b3dfaca55dd53a2d4910b893fdfc7fe16d39ccb361646022a2a093a2 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1030.tgz) 6932876cfb844fb71f878a24e354d6ea23acf5b759c2f96074e4394b14a0cf1a SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1028.tgz) 3949f8cf42cb8c606f5d410df18e4a307a0635d18c182149d2f524e002452f6a SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1025.tgz) 4ba262627ae09fbefa19a87259b02c0f857a8a54165d6c576b1f3cbc5c60f976 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1023.tgz) 829feba533d9706ddaa339523b99f5475f4e482176ac98fc9eb61581556552ee SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1022.tgz) d6296a0b82bfd7333644c80c2355dcb8b4efa32afff1244f04e4579d931ca188 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1021.tgz) 74b31530b3e8f4fdfe0fabc49435c64985e791efc79173cf42bc042da0ef6c33 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1019.tgz) 84f685bdff2faa3a50c14b5b826ca2330c02a4ee44f945ba534765355b5114be SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1018.tgz) 1903b9e3dfb344bd1fb0904e21349216f1a2d9a6dab9d681b106aaee377d5ec0 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1017.tgz) 3d8d5da812b5786a1e7b21c19f72cccb9a32b677ba8e2d2f3a43bc1bd8b3cd5a SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1016.tgz) fd6cee6361d24acd4822f266d5d9694b46921d6d7025ea6fc4ea85ba2b6743ed SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1015.tgz) 06f6e44931bdb802732348026f04dcbc9e26d668180c194d2c4a1bbc94628c83 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1014.tgz) 093bf5c994ea1e46d5f43c30707130c3612558520b2ed1a8bd6cb3777e6d37e7 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1013.tgz) 2ae14bed28a069b60b2fbdaf7e1bae050ff16f8759443b7f512c64ffb08c647d SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1011.tgz) fdc95026e4688353aa11313533562d0b86695b192448c4dac99106369c5f57e4 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_1010.tgz) 253974312e599b7e07fea5473c006fa0e0d308b05e09ffc9caff25940d37949f SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_109.tgz) 67596e0beea13aa3e8b090f46f55ca5e0ba2137f1e42801f18a61194e53ceef8 SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_108.tgz) ca5e6e31d605c3f6940717307e2443241a84cddc9196a74474c06cc677eaf5fb SHA256 checksum (fastly-signal-sciences-ng-waf-ta_107.tgz) aca37f8030d20f8bea1e868fe84c27bffdeef3b5ca77c149c9283484a9a78c9c
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Fastly (Signal Sciences) NG-WAF - TA

Splunk Cloud
This app is NOT supported by Splunk. Please read about what that means for you here.
For users of Fastly NG-WAF who would like to enrich their Splunk data with information from the Fastly NG-WAF. This app enables the importing of Events, Activity, and raw request information to Splunk.

This is an open source project, no support provided, public repository is available and installation documentation can be found at https://github.com/fastly/sigsci-splunk-app. The best way to report issues with the app is to report an issue (https://github.com/fastly/sigsci-splunk-app/issues) on the github page so that it can be tracked.

This app is open source. Please go to the Github pages for documentation or to report any issues you may be having.

Release Notes

Version 1.0.38
April 1, 2024
  • Adds toggle to disabling catching up making from/until times always calculated from now - delta
  • Adds configurable API connect/read timeouts to each input for the HTTP client
  • Adds some extra configuration around catchup if it is enabled, either to reset to now - delta (default) if the timestamp is older than 24 hours, or exactly 24 hours ago to comply with API restrictions
  • Handles the POST parameter changes to the Feed Endpoint API where pagination is now done via POST parameters rather than query params
Version 1.0.37
Nov. 6, 2023
  • Refactors the time functions to now rely on time.time() instead of the datetime library
  • Fixes timestamp calculations crossing timezones (See: issue #37 and potentially any other edge cases as a result of datetime library timezone calculation issues)
  • Reduced logging when iterating over multiple events
Version 1.0.36
Aug. 15, 2023
  • Makes datetime objects timezone aware (e.g datetime.utcnow => datetime.now(timezone.utc))
  • Fixes checkpoint save in requests input if there are no results returned
  • Fixes a bug where if the last saved until_time could go over 24 hours ago leading to an API error
  • Fixed a bug where the input module could lag permanently behind in the event the last until time was hours old
  • Fixes duplicate log_info statements reducing logging
Version 1.0.35
July 10, 2023

NOTE: The prior 1.0.34 release contained an incorrect artifact. The 1.0.35 release is a re-release of 1.0.34 with the correct artifact. Please use 1.0.35 instead of 1.0.34.
- Fixed github issue #32 - checks for headersOut and headersIn and does not include them in the event output if the key is not in the response dictionary
- Improved formatting of event data
- Fixed bug where if events and requests inputs were running at the same time, one would overwrite the state of the last time
- Improved setting and handling of timestamps
- Updated AOB Vendored Libraries to that of the latest AddOnBuilder package used to create the release
- Removed deprecated variables from various inputs that are declared already in helper config

Version 1.0.34
July 6, 2023

NOTE: This 1.0.34 release contained an incorrect artifact. The 1.0.35 release is a re-release of 1.0.34 with the correct artifact. Please use 1.0.35 instead of 1.0.34.

Version 1.0.33
May 23, 2023
  • Fixed the headers being duplicated into headersIn Issue 26
  • Moved shared code for pulling Events from the API to the sigsci_helper.py to reduce introducing errors into re-used code
  • Moved shared code for creating the from and until times to sigsci_helper.py to reduce the likelyhood of introducing errors in the shared code
  • Added a config object to help with the moving of the re-used code to sigsci_helper.py
  • Added support for using the helper.get_check_point() and helper.set_check_point. This way going forward the code can see what the last until_time was to make sure that it does not run overlapping time periods
Version 1.0.32
May 11, 2023
  • Fixed issue with the interval being in minutes instead of seconds in the code
Version 1.0.30
April 25, 2023
  • Consolidated the HTTP Requests processing to a shared module for the different inputs
  • Improved the error handling for the Requests to catch HTTP errors that were being missed
Version 1.0.28
March 14, 2023
  • Fix for logging out incorrect variable
Version 1.0.25
Feb. 28, 2020

Changes in the new version:

  • Upgrade to the latest SDK from the Splunk Add On Builder
  • Updated everything to work with Python3 in prepation for the migration to Python3 in Splunk 8.x
  • Fixed the timestamp finding issue so that items from Signal Sciences will reflect the right event timestamps in Splunk
  • Fixed the Sites Events endpoint to be activity instead of events so that SigSci events and Audit information for sites appears
Version 1.0.23
Aug. 12, 2019
  • Updated the Site events to pull event types (audit & flags)
  • Added a new Input Type of SigSci Activity, only one of these are needed to pull the Corp Events.
Version 1.0.22
July 28, 2019

Updated the endpoint for Events to use the Activity endpoint. This way both Flagged IP Alerts and Agent Alerts will be imported.

Fixed an issue where the Splunk App was not correctly using the multi instance mode. The symptoms would be that everything appears to run correctly but would exit before writing out the events. There is a new field in the Inputs configuration for Interval that does need to be filled in if it is not already.

Version 1.0.21
July 27, 2019

Fixed an issue where the Splunk App was not correctly using the multi instance mode. The symptoms would be that everything appears to run correctly but would exit before writing out the events. There is a new field in the Inputs configuration for Interval that does need to be filled in if it is not already.

Version 1.0.19
Dec. 13, 2018
  • Added back in the props.conf as it was accidentally excluded from 1.0.18
Version 1.0.18
Dec. 9, 2018
  • Added support for Proxy configuration
  • Updated splunklib to the latest version
  • Used new method for App configuration instead of the old setup view
  • Added Help messages for the configuration options
Version 1.0.17
Oct. 5, 2018

- Fixed requirement for app.conf for Splunk Cloud Support, wasn't correctly fixed in 1.0.16.



  • Fixed issue with timestamp not being found by adding TIME_PREFIX = timestamp . Previously the JSON could be to large for the default look ahead to find the timestamp element. This way the look ahead starts from the timestamp object.
  • Linted and fixed formatting of python scripts
  • Removed default Data Inputs for Requests and Events as this was keeping you from being able to delete them and caused isues.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you had modified the default example Data Input you will need to go back and re-add the "5" for the Delta. Otherwise this will default to 0 and no data will be pulled.

New Features:

  • Added support for the new API Tokens. You can either use the Username/API Token or the Username/Password combo. If both are filled in the API Token will take precedence.
Version 1.0.16
Oct. 5, 2018

- Fixed requirement for app.conf for Splunk Cloud Support.



  • Fixed issue with timestamp not being found by adding TIME_PREFIX = timestamp . Previously the JSON could be to large for the default look ahead to find the timestamp element. This way the look ahead starts from the timestamp object.
  • Linted and fixed formatting of python scripts
  • Removed default Data Inputs for Requests and Events as this was keeping you from being able to delete them and caused isues.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you had modified the default example Data Input you will need to go back and re-add the "5" for the Delta. Otherwise this will default to 0 and no data will be pulled.

New Features:

  • Added support for the new API Tokens. You can either use the Username/API Token or the Username/Password combo. If both are filled in the API Token will take precedence.
Version 1.0.15
Oct. 2, 2018



  • Fixed issue where the build script was not correctly updating some of the python files for the version
  • Fixed issue with timestamp not being found by adding TIME_PREFIX = timestamp . Previously the JSON could be to large for the default look ahead to find the timestamp element. This way the look ahead starts from the timestamp object.
  • Linted and fixed formatting of python scripts
  • Removed default Data Inputs for Requests and Events as this was keeping you from being able to delete them and caused isues.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you had modified the default example Data Input you will need to go back and re-add the "5" for the Delta. Otherwise this will default to 0 and no data will be pulled.

New Features:

  • Added support for the new API Tokens. You can either use the Username/API Token or the Username/Password combo. If both are filled in the API Token will take precedence.
Version 1.0.14
Oct. 2, 2018

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed issue where the build script was not correctly updating some of the python files for the version
  • Fixed issue with timestamp not being found by adding TIME_PREFIX = timestamp . Previously the JSON could be to large for the default look ahead to find the timestamp element. This way the look ahead starts from the timestamp object.
  • Linted and fixed formatting of python scripts
  • Removed default Data Inputs for Requests and Events as this was keeping you from being able to delete them and caused isues.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you had modified the default example Data Input you will need to go back and re-add the "5" for the Delta. Otherwise this will default to 0 and no data will be pulled.

New Features:

  • Added support for the new API Tokens. You can either use the Username/API Token or the Username/Password combo. If both are filled in the API Token will take precedence.
Version 1.0.13
Sept. 13, 2018

This release includes improvements for:

  • Changed default behavior of modular scripts from single_instance = True to single_instance = false. This means that there will be a unique execution of the script for each data input configured. This is important so that if one of the Data inputs causes an error it won't effect the other ones. Also for sites with high RPS it can potentially take to long to have the data be pulled sequentially instead of concurrently.

1.0.12 Improvements:

  • Retry behavior if rate limiting for pulling details is hit
  • More efficient methods for writing events. Previously as the events were detected they were being written out. Now to improve the Script performance the event write call is done after all items are pulled from SigSci
  • Better error handling if the URL is not correctly built do to wrong entries being configured in the app settings
  • User-Agent string update to be recognizable as the SigSci Splunk app
Version 1.0.11
Dec. 11, 2017
  • Fixed issue with regression for empty response headers
  • Fixed issues where upgrade backups were left in the Splunk App Folder
Version 1.0.10
Nov. 13, 2017
  • Accidentally reverted the fix for requests with no Response headers from 1.08 when releasing 1.09. This fix has been added back in.
Version 1.0.9
Nov. 8, 2017
  • Refactored Module Input script to support when multiple sites are setup for Requests or Events. Before it would cause things to error out.
Version 1.0.8
Oct. 5, 2017
  • Removed logging out of Token when debug logging is enabled.
Version 1.0.7
Aug. 3, 2017
  • Fixed issue with time calculations not being correct and leading to potential errors from the API or getting unexpected time periods pulled back for the Requests API.
  • Fixed issue where output format from SigSci is not optimal for header data. Header Data will now be properly sortable. The result from the API currently returns a JSON object of a list of lists for the headers so the header entries were showing in a format of [Header, Value] instead of {"header": "value"}

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