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R Analytics

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The R app for Splunk allows users to run R code on a remote R server, right from the Splunk interface. The app adds a script editor, which allows you to interact with Splunk and R from the same dashboard, as well as several example dashboards with visualizations build by R. Finally the app exposes the runRdo command, which allows users to run any R code from the Splunk search bar.

R Analytics app Splunk


Unzip this folder in your Splunk installation $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps and restart Splunk. On your R server install OpenCPU (https://www.opencpu.org/download.html). In Splunk go to the setup page of the R app and fill out the address of your OpenCPU installation.

Installing packages

OpenCPU will create a new session (and user) for every request it gets. These sessions will be removed after some time. Packages installed in such a session are not available to other sessions and will be removed once the session is removed. Installing packages globally can be done by installing them to the /usr/local/lib/R/site-library directory or by running the following from the command line:

sudo R
install.packages(<package_name>, lib = "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library")

The full documentation of OpenCPU can be found here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/opencpu/vignettes/opencpu-server.pdf (Chapter 3.2 deals with installing packages)


Search in Splunk, send the data to R and retrieve the full dataset:

search index=_internal | head 10 | runRdo script="return(dataset);"

Using R libraries in Splunk and returning links to images (or the console) instead of results:

| inputlookup iris.csv 
| fields - species 
| runRdo script="library(corrplot); correlationMatrix = cor(dataset); corrplot(correlationMatrix);" getResults=f

Datatypes and column order (thanks to jedatt01 on Splunk Answers for the example: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/455710/potential-bug-in-r-analytics-app.html)

| inputlookup iris.csv 
| runRdo script="
    # Fix the random seed

    # Store the dataset in a variable
    my_iris = dataset;

    # Seperate the species column from the rest
    species = as.factor(my_iris$species);
    my_iris = my_iris[ , !(names(my_iris) %in% c('species'))];

    # Cast data types
    my_iris$petal_length = as.numeric(my_iris$petal_length);
    my_iris$sepal_length = as.numeric(my_iris$sepal_length);
    my_iris$petal_width = as.numeric(my_iris$petal_width);
    my_iris$sepal_width = as.numeric(my_iris$sepal_width);

    # Show summaries in the console, use getResults=false to see the link to the console

    # Perform the kmeans
    kmeans_iris = kmeans(my_iris, 3);
    kmeans_table = table(kmeans_iris$cluster, species);

    # Return a dataframe
    return(as.data.frame(kmeans_table));" getResults=t

NOTE. The author of this app is not affiliated with the R project, OpenCPU or Splunk.

Release Notes

Version 1.0.1
Sept. 29, 2016

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