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Downloading TA-mailclient
SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_155.tgz) 402cd4a929661c1bd37d096cfcc15b348a184d51c66d0e039c50a90710016c4b SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_154.tgz) f92b2e002c18f541cd83f0a19971fe49c38e5a0746dcf8735be30a4e301ec550 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_152.tgz) 652e6b33103faa3ecc3b98b44f91693769ebcf585d87e6aa7abca9eee81d0d03 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_151.tgz) 14979494c87363a6f9b005d9f8e2327cf3a90a11a47f58d0d5774d033c80779a SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_150.tgz) 2421f9707394b78f8e2e46fbf1239f98101b7fe1463772d387c18f308444833e SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_144.tgz) 0ece8c4f66dfdefa738532c36c79ed86e0b1b70fc638d945fe1cae4683bcad41 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_143.tgz) a427010485b76a1336f311561f9ee413214b07331c4f86435d107b0851989527 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_141.tgz) ab2fa9edcf1c9e6fd5de128d84e46ec96e8e7dd2186b6a4f3a9ee8595f528685 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_135.tgz) d003dfa027d47f26069b0618b9eef8209a70956fed86cc571c2f3eb940635dca SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_130.tgz) 039d7e696497613d454b5074498649894813889357695d96162c7a61ad2c9c7e SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_120.tgz) fc1a93b75a4026bd651a48be72cc8214917d7d2f610879bd3cbcf501644299f1 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_117.tgz) 62f80771c59ac18f09b321cc1dfff4a7a24d34840e4d9ffb0755f7c27fe1aac5 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_116.tgz) 53691e30ba0e92f83c05cba0c19d3a68c89ae468dd77092994d84ab08d9623ce SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_115.tgz) f6352ef1be4b595eaf12e8dc94f7879f4673fbbb617a7e37491e1cab1d84f3df SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_112.tgz) 0fdff7c3fc27baa34549e1793c4ae7d66c43de255eb568e47179af12aaa4536b SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_111.tgz) 444733bbbed447cce73d16b800f6bac6571497e357cb6ef9032b05ff4cff9f91 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_110.tgz) cf48ca42d449270f95c1c84e9ebeca9076bd3ac524508c89dd073902a2f2b7d2 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_103.tgz) 699db6a73942640222eee79872b296ed1fd628809d343380f9bef2ae0e74b7d4 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_102.tgz) 7f9ebf31c5efaa321283ffac95020188a41d92ba086829778c5d00eff4438f65 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_101.tgz) 9cc0b792d0e31e750a37b421ed2c6ceea55842bf87573a44017cd22ad76eb781 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_10.tgz) 32027f61832465f0df52d3ea1a04d408480f5eae86dbf278835a81a8c2ffb45d SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_050.tgz) f31954a2bcce6ad7d3109c2021da06d5a58236f2a4aa5faab0d9a4cb214d535f SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_049.tgz) 3c92efa8fc4f94f5de9c54f758e4ece66b9f1987a4d8f25cbaf22363f0af54ed SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_048.tgz) dcc780f24c949907f1b301175627e6a8550a1db809a899ea2522089fd003efac SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_047.tgz) 0b5bc699008dc939548ae840d311ddc0bb9a18954008aa36301d1ae3d34259f7 SHA256 checksum (ta-mailclient_01.tgz) 41970aa16daa7799c9ee629684c1d8604e69d79dfbcc2b5ebd8aebc766519aa4
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The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes using either POP3 or IMAP, with SSL.

Table of Contents


  • About the TA-mailclient
  • Release notes
    • About this release
    • New features
    • To Do
    • Known issues
    • Third-party software attributions
    • Older Releases
  • Support and resources


  • Hardware and software requirements
  • Splunk Enterprise system requirements
  • Download
  • Installation steps
    • Deploy to single server instance
    • Deploy to distributed deployment
    • Deploy to Splunk Cloud
    • Configure TA-mailclient
      • Parameters
  • Upgrade
  • Copyright & License


  • Data types
  • Troubleshooting
  • Diagnostic & Debug Logs


About the TA-mailclient

Author Oluwaseun Remi-Omosowon
App Version 1.5.4
Vendor Products
  • poplib
  • imaplib
  • SDK for Python 1.6.14

The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python, should work on any Splunk
installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

This only fetches emails from the 'inbox' folder when using POP3. Additional mailbox folders can be indexed when using IMAP.

Be sure to set the interval to run this as frequently as required.

It supports all 'text/*' content types and several well known scripts (.bat, .js, .sh) detailed below:


Images, videos and executables are not indexed.

Scripts and binaries

- Splunk SDK for Python (1.6.14)
- Six python 2/3 compatibility (1.15.0)
- mail_lib - supports the calculation of vincenty distances which is used by default
- constants.py - A number of constants / defaults used throughout the mail_lib module.
- mail_common.py - Shared functions used to parse emails and attachments
- exceptions raised by functions used in the mail_lib module.

Release notes

About this release

Version 1.5.4 of the TA-mailclient is compatible with:

Splunk Enterprise versions 8.x, 7.x
CIM Not Applicable
Platforms Platform independent
Lookup file changes No lookups included in this app

This version removes support for unencrypted connections to mailboxes to allow the app pass Splunk Certification.
The is_secure is no longer required and should be removed from the config.

The administrator is responsible for setting the sourcetype to whatever is desired,
as well as extracting CIM fields for the sourcetype.
This app already includes several extractions for different parts of the message that can be reused.

This app will not work on a universal forwarder,
as it requires Python which comes with an HF or a full Splunk install.

Note: Travis CI includes tests for both secure versions of POP3 / IMAP.

New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Added support for Python 3
  • Added six 1.15.0
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.14
  • Fix CI/CD tests to work for POP3 on v7.3, fix testing
  • Added Fix for working with Zips and docx with python2/python3
  • Added support for indexing emails from additional folders when using IMAP
To Do
  • Add attachment file hash to Splunk
  • Add support for doc / ppt / pptx
Known issues

This is currently tested against 7.3, 8.0 and the latest version of Splunk Enterprise (v8.1 as at the time of this writing).
Issues can be reported and tracked on Github at this time.

Third-party software attributions

This uses the inbuilt poplib and imaplib that comes with Python by default.

Contributions on github are welcome and will be incorporated into the main release.
Current contributors are listed in AUTHORS.md.

Older Releases
  • v1.4.0
    • Included support for Splunk v8.0
  • v1.3.5
    • Fixed bug introduced in v1.3.0
  • v1.3.0

    • Made it more modular to supporting more file types in zips and in emails
    • Added support for zips and files within zips
    • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
      • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
        required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
    • Additional logging from pop3 / imap
    • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
    • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
    • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality work
    • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
    • Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
    • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) and port validation
    • Rewrote sections of mail_common
    • Merged functions from poputils / imaputils into main code and added additional logs from connection
  • v0.5.1

    • encoding corrections
    • deduplicate Date and MessageId from indexed headers
    • correction of MessageID extraction
    • changed the separator to a predefined one instead of Date and MessageID
    • activated and changed label for unsupported attachment
  • v0.5.0

    • Fixed UTF-8 encoding of mails before indexing. (Supporting Gmail and others)
  • v0.4.9

    • Changed encoding to support reading gmail.
  • v0.4.8

    • removed error introduced in v0.4.7
  • v0.4.7

    • Removed password field validation to allow users have complex or easy passwords however long
    • Handled all mail exceptions
  • v0.4.6

    • Fixed bug.
    • Fixed header inclusion
  • v0.4.5

    • Fixed bug. Removed line which caused v0.4.4 to fail
    • Fixed header inclusion
  • v0.4.4

    • Updated app to ignore case of file attachment extension
  • v0.4.3

    • Made extensions case insensitive
    • Added support for indexing .docx extensions
    • Generalised Mail.save_password() to allow reuse of code when writing other modular inputs.
    • Optimized python import statements
    • Fixed deleting of mails in poplib which was broken in 0.4
  • v0.4.2

    • Added support for indexing mail headers
  • v0.4.1

    • Fixed bug with 0.4.0
    • Made updates to fix unneeded else statement which introduced bug in 0.4.0.
  • v0.4

    • Added support for decoding unicode characters in other languages or and removing the unicode identifier in the header.
    • Improved support for indexing some file types even if the content-type is not set correctly. (as with Microsoft sending some files as binaries instead of text)
    • Added fundamental code to support indexing of attachment as a configurable option in future release by the user.
    • Added multiple field extractions for the email header and file attachments.
    • Introduced a bug which was corrected in 0.4.1 Faulty version

Note: filename and filecontent are multi-valve fields.

  • v0.3

    • Adds support for mailbox cleanup options
  • v0.2

    • Adds support for base64 encoded emails.

Support and resources

Questions and answers

Access questions and answers specific to the TA-mailclient at (https://answers.splunk.com/).


This Splunk support add-on is community / developer supported.

Questions asked on Splunk answers will be answered either by the community of users or by the developer when available.
All support questions should include the version of Splunk and OS.

You can also contact the developer directly via Splunkbase.
Feedback and feature requests can also be sent via Splunkbase.

Issues can also be submitted at the TA-mailclient repo via on Github

Future release will support
1. Support for configuration of mail limits in inputs.conf
2. Recursive option to read all folders inside Inbox, and not just emails within inbox.
3. Support indexing mails from additional folders in a mailbox

Note : This has not been tested against an exhaustive list of mail servers, so I'll welcome the feedback.

Also, feel free to send me a list of well known servers that you 're using this with without problems.

Rate the add-on on Splunkbase if you use it and are happy with it,
and share your feedback. Thanks!


Hardware and software requirements

Hardware requirements

TA-mailclient supports the following server platforms in the versions supported by Splunk Enterprise:

  • Linux
  • Windows

The app was developed to be platform agnostic, but tests are mostly run on Linix.

Please contact the developer with issues running this on Windows. See the Splunk documentation for hardware
requirements for running a heavy forwarder.

Software requirements

To function properly, TA-mailclient has no external requirements but needs to be installed on a full Splunk
install which provides python and the required libraries (poplib and imaplib).

Splunk Enterprise system requirements

Because this add-on runs on Splunk Enterprise, all of the Splunk Enterprise system requirements apply.


Download the TA-mailclient at one of the following locaitons:
- Splunkbase
- Github

Installation steps

Deploy to single server instance

To install and configure this app on your supported standalone platform, do one of the following:

  • Install on a standalone Splunk Enterprise install via the GUI. See Link
  • Extract the technology add-on to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ and restart Splunk
Deploy to distributed deployment

Install to search head - (Standalone or Search head cluster)

  • Deploy the props.conf and transforms.conf from TA-mailclient to the search head.
    If using search head cluster, deploy the props.conf and transforms.conf via a search head deployer.

Install to indexers

  • No App needs to be installed on indexers

Install to forwarders

  • Follow the steps to install the TA-mailclient on a heavy forwarder.
    More instructions available at the following URL

  • Configure an email input by going to the setup page or configuring inputs.conf.

Deploy to Splunk Cloud

For Splunk cloud installations, install TA-mailclient on a heavy forwarder that has been configured to forward
events to your Splunk Cloud instance.
The sourcetype is set by the administrator of the heavy forwarder when configuring the inputs.

You can work with Splunk Support on installing the Support add-on on Splunk Cloud for parsing the mails collected.

Configure TA-mailclient

This app adds a mail:// modular input and supports a variety of parameters in inputs.conf.

interval = 600
mailserver = imap.domain.com
password = mypassword
protocol = IMAP|POP3
disabled = 0
mailbox_cleanup = delete
additional_folder = test,rfc,spam

Once the input is read, the password gets replaced and shows as 'encrypted'.
As such, the password for the mailbox must not be set to 'encrypted'.

The input can be edited if the password needs to be updated, and the password stored in a password
storage endpoint would get updated automatically. Passwords are never stored in clear text.

A different sourcetype can be specified for each input, thus making it possible to have different sourcetypes
for every mailbox. Mailbox cleanup is also managed automatically, and emails are deleted once it has been


mailserver - This is a mandatory field and should be the hostname or
IP address for the mail server or client access server with support for retrieving emails via POP3 or IMAP

protocol - This must be set to either POP3 or IMAP

password - Passwords must be set for every account,
or the input will get disabled.

mailbox_cleanup = This indicates if every email should be deleted as it is read,
or delayed until the next interval.
Setting this to readonly prevents mails from being deleted.

The default is readonly. Supported options are:

interval - This should be configured to run as frequent as required
to retreive emails. This modular input retrieves up to 20 emails at each run.
A future release to this input might allow the limit to be configured as a parameter to the modular input.

This modular input supports multiple instances, and each input runs at separate intervals.

include_headers - This determines if email headers should be included.

additional_folders - This is an optional parameter containing a comma-separated list of additional folders to be indexed if IMAP is configured for the mailbox.

Copyright & License

A copy of the Creative Commons Legal code has been added to the add-on detailing its license.


Data types

Data is indexed using a sourcetype specified by the administrator when configuring the inputs.
If nothing is specified, events will get indexed with a sourcetype of mail.


Once an email is indexed, it will not be re-indexed except the checkpoint directory is emptied.
This can be achieved by running the following command:

splunk clean inputdata mail

Diagnostic & Debug Logs

Logs can be found by searching Splunk internal logs

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd (component=ModularInputs OR component=ExecProcessor) mail.py

Additional logging can be enabled by turning on debug logging for ExecProcessor and ModInputs.
set the logging level of the ExecProcessor to Debug

/opt/splunk/bin/splunk set log-level ExecProcessor -level DEBUG
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk set log-level ModInputs -level DEBUG

You can find additional ways to enable debug logging on

Release Notes

Version 1.5.5
Feb. 7, 2021

The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text, and replaces it with a placeholder while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is developed using the Splunk SDK for Python, should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

This only fetches emails from the 'inbox' folder when using POP3. Additional mailbox folders can be indexed when using IMAP.

This release fixes the key error where additional_folder has not been set.

It supports all 'text/*' content types and several well known scripts (.bat, .js, .sh) detailed below:

Version 1.5.4
Jan. 30, 2021

The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text, and replaces it with a placeholder while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is developed using the Splunk SDK for Python, should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

This only fetches emails from the 'inbox' folder when using POP3. Additional mailbox folders can be indexed when using IMAP.

This release fixes the key error where additional_folder has not been set.

It supports all 'text/*' content types and several well known scripts (.bat, .js, .sh) detailed below:

Version 1.5.2
Dec. 28, 2020

The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text, and replaces it with a placeholder while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is developed using the Splunk SDK for Python, should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

This only fetches emails from the 'inbox' folder when using POP3. Additional mailbox folders can be indexed when using IMAP.

This release fixes the key error where additional_folder has not been set.

It supports all 'text/*' content types and several well known scripts (.bat, .js, .sh) detailed below:

Version 1.5.1
Dec. 28, 2020

The TA-mailclient add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text, and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is developed using the Splunk SDK for Python, should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

This only fetches emails from the 'inbox' folder when using POP3. Additional mailbox folders can be indexed when using IMAP.

This release fixes the key error where additional_folder has not been set.

It supports all 'text/*' content types and several well known scripts (.bat, .js, .sh) detailed below:

Version 1.5.0
Dec. 15, 2020

TA-mailclient v1.5.0 includes the following new features:

  • Added support for Python 3
  • Added six 1.15.0
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.14
  • Fix CI/CD tests to work for POP3 on v7.2 / 7.3 / 8.x, fix testing
  • Fix for working with Zips and docx with python2/python3
  • Added support for indexing emails from additional folders when using IMAP
Version 1.4.4
Dec. 15, 2020
  • Fixed zip and docx attachment parsing following Python3 migration.
  • Fixed compatibility for POP3 and IMAP for Splunk v7.x and v8.x
  • Migrated python lib to avoid global imports from other apps.
Version 1.4.3
Dec. 7, 2020
  • Fix compatibility for POP3 and IMAP for Splunk v7.x and v8.x
  • Migrate python lib to avoid global imports from other apps.
Version 1.4.1
Dec. 6, 2020
  • Updated Splunk SDK to enable support for Splunk v8.x
  • Removed reference to is_secure from spec file.
Version 1.3.5
Dec. 29, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Caught additional exceptions and tried to parse unsupported encoding types as ascii while escaping unsupported characters.
Version 1.3.0
Nov. 26, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Rewrote file parsing to be more modular
  • Added tests for Splunk 7.0 to travis
  • Added support for zips and files within zips
  • Additional logging from pop3 / imap
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality work
  • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) and port validation
  • Merged functions from poputils / imaputils into main code and added additional l
Version 1.2.0
Nov. 18, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:
- Added support for zips and text files within zips

Version 1.1.* added optimised the app and added the following
- Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
- Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
- Additional logging from pop3 / imap
- Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
- Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality work
- modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
- Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
- Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) and port validation
- Merged functions from poputils/imaputils into main code and added additional logs from connection

Version 1.1.7
Aug. 9, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Additional logging from pop3 / imap
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality work
  • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
  • Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
  • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) and port validation
  • Rewrote sections of mail_common
  • Merged functions from poputils/imaputils into main code and added additional logs from connection
Version 1.1.6
Aug. 4, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Additional logging from pop3 / imap
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality work
  • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
  • Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
  • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) and port validation
  • Rewrote sections of mail_common
  • Merged functions from poputils/imaputils into main code and added additional logs from connection
Version 1.1.5
Aug. 3, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:
- Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
- Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
- Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
- Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
- Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
- Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
- Fix loading local exceptions
- modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
- Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
- Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers)
- Rewrote sections of mail_common
- Merged functions from poputils/imaputils into main code and added additional logs from connection

Version 1.1.2
July 29, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
  • Fix loading local exceptions
  • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
  • Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
  • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers)
  • Rewrote sections of mail_common
Version 1.1.1
July 29, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
  • Fix loading local exceptions
  • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler
  • Also fixed exception handling when dealing with storage/password
  • Fixed type casting for boolean parameters (is_secure, include_headers) - Now works on port 110/143
Version 1.1.0
July 29, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
  • Fix loading local exceptions
  • modularized storage/password functions to make them reusable and simpler and catch exceptions
Version 1.0.3
July 28, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
  • Fix loading local exceptions

V1.0.3 is missing some exception handling when writing / reading from storage/passwords. This could cause unexpected results when trying to add an input, or update the encrypted password as a non-privileged user.

Version 1.0.2
July 27, 2017
New features

TA-mailclient includes the following new features:

  • Fixed unicode conversion of emails following contributions from Francois Lacombe on GitHub
    • Also added static mail preamble for line break. Event breaking configuration may not be
      required since the modular input writes individual events separately, but it's always a good idea.
  • Added delineations and extractions to multipart content
  • Removed interval from inputs.conf.spec
  • Upgraded Splunk SDK to 1.6.2
  • Added additional test cases on Travis CI to test that functionality works
Version 1.0.1
July 18, 2017
Version 1.0
July 17, 2017
Version 0.5.0
Oct. 21, 2016

This technology adapter add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python,
should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

At present, this only fetches emails form the 'inbox' folder.
Images and attachments are not indexed.


Finally fixed header inclusion/exclusion, and bug in 0.4.5


  • Removed password field validation to allow users have complex or easy passwords regardless of length
  • Handled all mail exceptions


  • removed error introduced in v0.4.7


  • Changed encoding to support gmail


  • Fixed UTF-8 encoding of mails before indexing. (Supporting Gmail and others)
Version 0.4.9
Oct. 18, 2016

This technology adapter add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python,
should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

At present, this only fetches emails form the 'inbox' folder.
Images and attachments are not indexed.


Finally fixed header inclusion/exclusion, and bug in 0.4.5


  • Removed password field validation to allow users have complex or easy passwords regardless of length
  • Handled all mail exceptions


  • removed error introduced in v0.4.7


  • Changed encoding to support gmail
Version 0.4.8
Oct. 3, 2016

This technology adapter add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python,
should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

At present, this only fetches emails form the 'inbox' folder.
Images and attachments are not indexed.


  • Fixed bug. Removed line which caused v0.4.4 to fail
  • Fixed header inclusion


Finally fixed header inclusion/exclusion, and bug in 0.4.5


  • Removed password field validation to allow users have complex or easy passwords regardless of length
  • Handled all mail exceptions


  • removed error introduced in v0.4.7
Version 0.4.7
Oct. 1, 2016

This technology adapter add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python,
should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

At present, this only fetches emails form the 'inbox' folder.
Images and attachments are not indexed.


  • Fixed bug. Removed line which caused v0.4.4 to fail
  • Fixed header inclusion


Finally fixed header inclusion/exclusion, and bug in 0.4.5


  • Removed password field validation to allow users have complex or easy passwords regardless of length
  • Handled all mail exceptions
Version 0.1
June 22, 2016

This technology adapter add-on fetches emails for Splunk to index from mailboxes
using either POP3 or IMAP, with or without SSL.

The modular input also stores takes the password from inputs.conf in plain text,
and replaces it with a place holder, while storing it encrypted within Splunk.
This is built using the Splunk SDK for Python,
should work on any Splunk installation with Python available including SHC.
Passwords should also get replicated between search heard peer members.

For IMAP, this only fetches emails form the 'inbox' folder.

For multipart emails, only 'text/plain' and 'text/html' are indexed.
Images and attachments are not indexed.

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