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SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_222.tgz) 686a820e3bffd40be24ef4689048b5daf4ca68c24e875441748b2187c56943ca SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_221.tgz) 6b7534cd97146d2d073fc1a6d1e4b03bfa923df9a4baf1ab45ac0ec1d7b88e64 SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_220.tgz) bf4495ea5705f793ac92d4ac75334eaf371291716f79345af60d481132b298fe SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_21.zip) c338261d4363361479ffa732c2f309b475782d34006f4cb23450c2ec2754c1f6 SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_201.tgz) 8d745e84f885124a485811ef6330e3a0a914b85ddaaa6869cf46dc0c5d6dfa26 SHA256 checksum (add-on-for-jira_20.tgz) 722712a7429ab74a7fcb07520aec8cdbc3e5cb4c8aca6db3c2ad719a2b7572e3
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Add-on for JIRA

Splunk Labs
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The Add-on for JIRA provides custom command that query JIRA REST API and Modular Input to index JIRA data.

Add-on for JIRA






  • List favorite filters of the configured user

| jira filters

  • Run a specific filter and return Issues

| jira issues FILTER_ID

  • Run a JQL search and return Issues. The JQL query should be encapsulated by double quotes with criteria encapsulated by single quotes. For example |jira jqlsearch "key='1234' and reporter='Fred de Boer'"

| jira jqlsearch "JQL_QUERY"

  • Run a JQL search and return the all Changes for all matching Issues.

| jira changelog "JQL_QUERY"

  • List rapidboards or sprints (Greenhopper REST API)

| jira rapidboards list|all|(RAPIDBOARD_ID [detail sprints|issues])

  • list will list all scrum boards. This is the default behavior.
  • all will list all sprints in all scrum boards.
  • RAPIDBOARD_ID will list all sprints in one specific scrum board.

    • "detail sprints" gives details on the active sprints in the rapidboard.
    • "detail issues" gives details on the active issues in the board including swimlanes and groupings.
    • Hint: to get issues in a sprint use jqlquery "sprint=sprint_id" after you have found the desired sprint id here with rapidboards.
  • Pipe search results into a jqlsearch

| search ... | eval foo="WTF-1,WTF-2,WTF-3" | makemv delim=, foo | map search="|jira batch JQL_QUERY $foo$"

  • The JQL_QUERY in the batch command is a partial query that ends with the IN keyword, e.g. "key in"
  • Results piped in from the preceding search will populate the IN clause.
  • Results piped in can be comma- or space- separated
  • This is a little ungainly, but quite powerful if you want to pull a list of JIRA keys from an external source and then get all the Issues from JIRA


  • comments
  • Shows comments for all Issues returned by main option.
  • Compatible with issues, jqlquery, and batch commands.

  • changefield

  • By default, pretty names for fields are show. Changefield outputs internal field names instead.
  • Compatible with issues, jqlquery and batch commands.

  • changetime TIME_FIELD

  • Sets _time to the chosen field. If field does not contain a valid, returns 0 Epoch time
  • _time defaults to created if changetime is not set
  • Compatible with issues, jqlquery, and batch commands.

  • fields "[INTERNAL_FIELD_NAME,...]"

  • Limits the set of fields returned
  • Takes a comma-separated list of internal field names. No extra spaces, we're too lazy to trim
  • If you want multiple fields, please enclose the field list in double-quotes
  • key and created are always returned

jirarest (REST API - deprecated)

Using Modular Input

From version 2.2.0, you can index JIRA ticket with jira modular input.
Once the modular input is enabled, it will start sync process which based on jql query to fetches tickets from JIRA server. After sync process finishes, the modular input will get updated tickets every "interval" seconds.
This is one example of inputs.conf, for using it, configure your server and credential then copy to local/inputs.conf.

sourcetype = jira
interval = 60
server = jira.buttercup.com
protocol = https
port = 443
jql = issueType in (epic, story)
username = username
password = password
disabled = 1


  1. Place the app into $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/jira
  2. Create a folder named local, copy default/jira.conf into local, and update with configuration specific to your instance.
  3. Copy $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/jira/bin/config.ini.sample to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/jira/bin/config.ini and update with your authentication credentials

Configure which keys to display in the table with the keys, time_keys, and custom_keys fields.


  • jirarest command written by Fred de Boer
  • jirasoap command written by Fred de Boer
  • jiraxml command written by Stephen Sorkin and Jeffrey Isenberg
  • ModInput written by Vu Pham
  • The Splunk MySQL app was used as a model, and lots of snippets here were stolen from its commands
  • To support the jirasoap command, this App redistributes suds 4.0 https://fedorahosted.org/suds/

Release Notes

Version 2.2.2
Feb. 15, 2017
Version 2.2.1
Jan. 14, 2017
  • Provided only jira command to live query JIRA REST API. Deprecated jirarest commands. Removed jirasoap, jiraxml commands.
  • Added ability to index data from JIRA REST API. Please see README/inputs.conf.spec for detail.
  • Added necessary extraction for Splunk ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery
Version 2.2.0
Jan. 11, 2017
  • Provided only jira command to live query JIRA REST API. Deprecated jirarest, jirasoap, jiraxml commands are removed.
  • Added ability to index data from JIRA REST API. Please see README/inputs.conf.spec for detail.
  • Added necessary extraction for Splunk ITSI Module for Continuous Delivery
Version 2.1
Nov. 21, 2014

Added a new "detail" option to the rapidboards mode that gives extra information about sprints or issues on the board.
Fixed a bug when a Label has the value "Label".

Version 2.0.1
June 3, 2014

Fix an urlencoding bug in the JIRA REST command that broke search strings which contained special characters.

Version 2.0
June 2, 2014

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