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Nagios Operations Center

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(App automatically detects language: English,Spanish.)

Operations, Executive, and Capacity Planning:
Enhance your current Nagios deployment without changing a thing in your current configuration.

App enhances your current operative capacity of Nagios deployment, contributing with Executive, IT Operations, CapacityPlanning, and HelpDesk info to your IT monitoring infrastructure.

All the business Operations views converge on these dashboards, and an improved IT-infrastructure Executive view is available, showing the situation of your business’ critical assets and SLAs in real time.

Executive and Operations view:
SLA by HostGroup or ServiceGroup
Alerts to identify future HW investment
Real time technical visibility
Most contacted Support Teams and most problematic Services,

And much more on the FREE/PREMIUM versions.

App SetUp: Write path to nagios.cfg, and select time interval to poll nagios.cfg. App valid only for Linux intel 32/64 bits.

Feedback is Welcome. Email OPEN3S: splunk-apps@open3s.com

(Deteccion automatica de idioma: Español,Ingles.
App automatically detects language: English,Spanish.)

Operations, Executive, and CapacityPlanning:
Enhance your current Nagios deployment without changing a thing in your current configuration.

App enhances your current operative capacity of Nagios deployment, contributing with Executive, IT Operations, CapacityPlanning, and HelpDesk info to your IT monitoring infrastructure.

All the business Operations views converge on these dashboards, and an improved IT-infrastructure Executive view is available, showing in Real Time (RT) the state of your business' critical assets and SLAs.

Executive and Operations view:
- SLA by HostGroup or ServiceGroup,
- Alerts to identify future HW investment,
- RT technical visibility,
- Most contacted Support Teams and most problematic Services,

Dowload the app, and check our FREE and PREMIUM versions.

APP SETUP : Write path to nagios.cfg, and select time interval to poll nagios.cfg. App VALID ONLY for Linux Intel 32/64 bits.


Operations, Executive y Capacity Planning: complemente su actual despliegue de Nagios sin modificar su instalacion.

Con esta aplicacion podra complementar la actual potencia operativa de su despliegue de Nagios aportando informacion Ejecutiva, de Operaciones IT, Capacity Planning y Help Desk. Al converger toda el area de operaciones y disponer de una vision mas ejecutiva de la infraestructura IT, podra mostrar en tiempo real el estado actual de sus activos criticos de negocio, mostrando SLAs calculados tambien en tiempo real, asi como disponer de visiones mas tecnicas y operacionales.

- Una vision Ejecutiva y otra para Operaciones.
La aplicacion de Splunk para Nagios le proporciona informes ejecutivos de SLAs por HostGroup y ServiceGroup, alertas sobre Storage, CPU o Memoria (para identificar futuras necesidades de inversion en ampliacion de HW), visibilidad tecnica en tiempo real, equipos de soporte mas contactados, servicios mas problematicos,... y todo ello sin modificar su instalacion de Nagios existente.

- Extienda su plataforma de monitorizacion hasta limites insospechados.
- Mejore la Visibilidad y capacidad de Reporting hacia su organizacion.
- Indexe y conecte datos generados por sistemas, aplicaciones o dispositivos, y busque y navegue por toda su infraestructura IT.

APP SETUP : Write path to nagios.cfg, and select time interval to poll nagios.cfg. App VALID ONLY for Linux Intel 32/64 bits.

Feedbak is Welcome! Email OPEN3S: splunk-apps@open3s.com

Release Notes

Version 1.0
July 3, 2012

App valid only for Linux Intel 32/64 bits.

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